Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jacey Update!

Hey guys, thanks so much for your prayers. They are obviously working. Jacey is looking much better, her color is back and she is much more alert and aware. I am also able to nurse her again which is great for both of us. The doctors are still trying to figure out what is wrong but have ruled out a few things. She is still in the hospital and will be at least until the end of the week, however if nothing is found she might be able to come home. Could end up being chalked up to new baby body getting things in order. She has not had any seizure activity since Monday morning and has only had one non-breathing episode early this morning. Doctor has said that she is a little boggling but that she is doing much better. Those prayers really worked!!! We love you lots and will keep you posted on what is going on. Love you; Jon, Alyson and Jacey