Friday, August 22, 2008

Jacey Emilie Bird is here!!!

Well folks here is the update from the Hinko/Bird Mix. August 21 at 5:15 AM, Jacey Emilie Bird was born. Mom and baby are doing really well. Jacey was 7 pounds 2 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long. Her hands and feet are huge, and she definitely looks like a Bird....or so everyone tells me! I went into the hospital at 9:00 PM and was 3 cm and by 4:45 AM was pushing. No epidural or episiotomy, Jen says I'm a rock star but truthfully just hate needles. Got home today, apparently were trustworthy enough to take the kid with us...YIKES! So here are some pics of the happy family, and the overly proud gramma's! =) The last shot is the proud uncle!!!
Love: Jon, Alyson and Jacey (There gramma no more Helicopter)


The Hudkins Family said...

Hey guys!!
Jacey is adorable! Congrats!! Can't wait to see her and you guys!!
Love lots,
Addie and Mike

The Hudkins Family said...

Jaycey looks perfect to me! You both did a great job.

She looks like a Jacey. Definitely more than helicopter.

I know who the boss is in the Bird house now!!

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!


The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations Jon and Alyson. She looks beautiful. We would like to see you guys on the way back from vacation around the 6th or so, if that's OK.

Love, Uncle Brent

The Hudkins Family said...

Beautiful baby girl! you did a great job Jon! You did ok too Alyson! Love you both...

Uncle Garth