Thursday, August 7, 2008

No Helicopter sighting as of yet!

Hey guys, the Bird fam writing in. Just thought I should update people on our current events.

Jon and I are now slowly moving into Jenny and Graham's finished (almost) basement which is looking B-E-Autiful. Were excited to be downstairs, it is nice and cool all the time. Baby room is not quite completed but just about, only needs things to be set up by Jenny aka Martha Stewart. Jon has a few weeks left of work before school starts up for him, WAHOO last semester. He took a week off before it starts in hopes that the kidlet will make an appearance to hang out with. I am same old, same old. Getting large and in charge! I went for my last appointment and she is pretty low, alot of pressure. Doc said she looks about 5.5-6.5 lbs so far which is nice, my friends kid is a week after me and already 7.8. YIKES! There is an unofficial pool going on for due dates, so far: the 7th, 9th, 20th, 26th and 29th. Any takers?!? If anyone rolls into the September time frame, I might snap case a bit hehe. To give you all a little push, I did have some contractions a few nights ago...does that entice you? Gramma thinks that the closest date should get to name her...we'll have to see on that one! =) My real due date is the 24th. Have fun! Anyways also new, Jon and I started a blog for our own little family. Address is You should all check it out, kinda fun. Words from the Birds is what its called. Anyways hope all's well. We love you and take care! Pics are: (Me at 35 wks), (Les 25wks,Jen and I 35wks), Jon and I at Gull Lake


The Hudkins Family said...

You're looking great, Al. I'm really anxious for this little girl to get a name. Somehow 'helicopter' just doesn't sound very feminine.

Thanks for the update on the blog.


The Hudkins Family said...

we would like to put our unofficial date in, janene and I feel really positive about the 22nd of august (our girls came two days early). i hope the rest of you will not be too disappointed when we win. by the way..what will we win? (tickets to an oilers game)?

congrats jon and alyson we are all very excited!

love uncle garth!!!

Jon and Alyson said...

Uncle, if Jon and I could afford Oilers tickets...don't you think we would use them! C'mon! hehe =)

The Hudkins Family said...

Ha... i missed by only one day!

uncle garth.

The Hudkins Family said...

Someone in your family has season tickets don't they?