Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have got news especially for Grandma!

Hello everyone,

It has been awhile since Jeanine and I have posted but I have finally stopped procrastinating and got on here. Today is thursday February 26th and today is Jeanine and my 2 month anniversary as a married couple. On December 26th we were married in a small wedding at my parents house. We are happy to be together and love the married life even though it has only been 2 months. Sorry it has taken so long for us to get on here and let everyone know, but i figured better late than never.

We hope all is well with everyone. We love and miss you all.
Cassidy and Jeanine Hudkins

Saturday, February 21, 2009

CALLED TO SERVE - Mission #4

Just so you will all know at the same time, we have decided to post this information on the blog:

We have been CALLED TO SERVE Mission #4 We will be working in the Edmonton Mission Office starting the beginning of April. We were surprised, happy and pleased. It will be fun to find out if our duties are similar to those we performed in Vancouver.

We will be extremely busy -- even busier than when we were in the Employment Center because we will be carrying on our regular shifts at the temple as well as three days in the mission office.

The best way to have the Lord watch over you is to serve and we are happy to do that.

Love to all,
Gramma & Grampa

Monday, February 16, 2009

Baby Faces

Kingston with the look of surprise glasses

Googly eyes hehe

What are you looking at?

Grampa Hinko's baby blues

Screwed up faces

Just a quick post of some funny faces of the little people....any one know how to do more than 5 pics for a post? I cannot for the life of me do it...let me know. Love Alyson

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Enjoy the Information

I really like the famous quotes at the top of the blog and also the "This Day in History" at the very bottom of the screen. Very informative and interesting. Troy - did you get the link to putting these on?

One of the counselors in the temple presidency often tells us what happened on that day in church history in our preparation meetings. I always enjoy the information.

Sure love you all and enjoy what you write on the blog. Keep it coming. There must be some news out there that I'm waiting to hear -- waiting - and waiting - and waiting!!!

Love you all,

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Trip

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dad - Following in your Footsteps

Brent, Garth & Troy,
This is to let you know that Dad is following in your footsteps. Today he was called to be an assistant in the High Priest Group. I know that you are all now, or have been in the same position. This is his first time - so I thought it was interesting and really quite neat that he is the follower at this time. I bet you guys didn't think you were being an example to your father!

You never know who's watching.

Thanks for your good examples.

Love always,
Mom aka Gramma

Friday, February 6, 2009

As per Gramma's request :)

17 weeks

Our little boy or girl with head on the left and arms in the air!

We think this picture is cute! You can see baby's ear!

Hey everyone! Gramma wanted to see a bump picture...this is the last one we've taken at 17 weeks. I'm now 19 weeks and we have a doctors appointment today again to check and see if everything is okay. The ultrasound tech. bumped the due date to July 7th. So anywhere between June 27th and then! We didn't find out the gender because we wanted to keep it a surprise! We will be extremely happy with either a boy or a girl! But things are going really well!Mike and I are DJ-ing a YSA dance tonight! :) We love watching and reading the blog and keeping in touch with everyone!


Addie&Mike&Baby Stannix

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

TBA is a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OUR BABY GIRL -Her knee to nose, doing utero yoga and smiling I say!

TBA- Lady 19weeks "Hey family"

Bump Watch 20 weeks

Thank you for the thoughts and prayers that came to our family these past few weeks. Muchly appreciated, thanks Grandma for posting the link so our family could view the slideshow of Ann if they wished. We love you all!!!!
So some exciting stuff for us is that we found out TBA is a LADY!!! We are very pumped. We also have felt her move. I am now officially 21 weeks preggo and have kind of thought I felt her but am sure now. Graham actually got to feel her this week when we were watching a move, it was very amazing!!! So pretty neat. We are thrilled!!!!
Love Graham, Jenny & SHe~TBA

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Graham and Jon this is for you

I was in the courts the other day and there was a child abuse case going on.

The judge said to the young boy, "We need you to decide which parent you want to live with."
"Would you like to stay with your Mother?"

The boy replies, "No, she beats me."

Then the judge asks, "Would you like to go home with your Father?"

The boy replies quickly, "No way, he beats me too."

Confused, the judge questions the boy, "Well who would you like to live with then?"

The boy, taking some time to think, finally answers, "I want to live with the EDMONTON OILERS, 'cause they don't beat anybody...."

Love you guys,
Uncle Troy