Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dad - Following in your Footsteps

Brent, Garth & Troy,
This is to let you know that Dad is following in your footsteps. Today he was called to be an assistant in the High Priest Group. I know that you are all now, or have been in the same position. This is his first time - so I thought it was interesting and really quite neat that he is the follower at this time. I bet you guys didn't think you were being an example to your father!

You never know who's watching.

Thanks for your good examples.

Love always,
Mom aka Gramma


PaHa said...

That's real cool. I know Dad will make a great assistant for his quorum, with all his knowledge and life experience.

This is awesome.

Love your Baby Troy

The Hudkins Family said...

congratulations on your new calling
Dad, I think that is one of the most enjoyable callings. You will do a great job... like Troy said, you will bring to that calling lots of wisdom and experience!

Love, your middle son