Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have got news especially for Grandma!

Hello everyone,

It has been awhile since Jeanine and I have posted but I have finally stopped procrastinating and got on here. Today is thursday February 26th and today is Jeanine and my 2 month anniversary as a married couple. On December 26th we were married in a small wedding at my parents house. We are happy to be together and love the married life even though it has only been 2 months. Sorry it has taken so long for us to get on here and let everyone know, but i figured better late than never.

We hope all is well with everyone. We love and miss you all.
Cassidy and Jeanine Hudkins


The Hudkins Family said...

Yaahhh!!!! Congrats on two months you guys, a big blog hug for you. So now that the whole fam has your great news I must ask what things you guys would prefer or need, we will get to see you guy again this summer. Are you wanting kitchen stuff to start a stash when you have your own digs or would you prefer cash to put towards coming to Canada maybe- jokes sorta....Fort Sask is very nice I hear. Let us know what would be most practical, we still need to celebrate with presents!!!!! Much love and congrats from Jenny, Graham and TBA.

The Hudkins Family said...

Finally -- Thank you, Cass & Jeanine - I was getting really tired of holding my breath, and now I can breathe easy again.

We wish you the Lord's richest blessings.

Always remember to be each other's very best friend - and to LIKE each other. It's one thing to be in love, but a whole 'nother' thing to be 'in like'.

We wish you much love, happiness and joy.

Love always,
Gramma & Grampa

Jon and Alyson said...

WAHOO, now that the big news is out!!! Glad that you guys are still in like after 2 months, it is a fun thing. Jon and I are pumped to come down this summer to visit and ditto on Jen's comment, what are you guys wanting and needing?!? House stuff or moola, let us know. We love ya lots! The Bird Crew

The Hudkins Family said...

Congrats Cassidy & Jeanine! This is wonderful news!

Uncle Brent & Aunty Rocky

The Hudkins Family said...

congratulations Cassidy and Jeanine! from the gang at Rocky Mountain House. We look forward to comming for a visit.