Wednesday, February 4, 2009

TBA is a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OUR BABY GIRL -Her knee to nose, doing utero yoga and smiling I say!

TBA- Lady 19weeks "Hey family"

Bump Watch 20 weeks

Thank you for the thoughts and prayers that came to our family these past few weeks. Muchly appreciated, thanks Grandma for posting the link so our family could view the slideshow of Ann if they wished. We love you all!!!!
So some exciting stuff for us is that we found out TBA is a LADY!!! We are very pumped. We also have felt her move. I am now officially 21 weeks preggo and have kind of thought I felt her but am sure now. Graham actually got to feel her this week when we were watching a move, it was very amazing!!! So pretty neat. We are thrilled!!!!
Love Graham, Jenny & SHe~TBA


The Hudkins Family said...

Jenny and Graham,
We are so excited for you guys. We can feel your excitement when you speak, it's awesome. You two will make wonderful parents and a loving family. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and may God Bless and be with you always.

Love Uncle Troy and Auntie Nancy

The Hudkins Family said...

New babies are always great. I love the bump. It looks good on you, Jen. Now I'm waiting for Addie to post hers!


The Hudkins Family said...

Its all because graham wanted a little hockey player, hes getting the girl just right for the job!!:D
congrats and love you guys!

The Hudkins Family said...

Nice bump Jenny!!!
Love uncle Garth