Saturday, February 21, 2009

CALLED TO SERVE - Mission #4

Just so you will all know at the same time, we have decided to post this information on the blog:

We have been CALLED TO SERVE Mission #4 We will be working in the Edmonton Mission Office starting the beginning of April. We were surprised, happy and pleased. It will be fun to find out if our duties are similar to those we performed in Vancouver.

We will be extremely busy -- even busier than when we were in the Employment Center because we will be carrying on our regular shifts at the temple as well as three days in the mission office.

The best way to have the Lord watch over you is to serve and we are happy to do that.

Love to all,
Gramma & Grampa


Jon and Alyson said...

Don't know if were the first to read this or not, but Congrats!! Gramma & Grampa, hope this doesn't interfere with cleaning/McDonalds/movie Monday! Or the crazy array of family weddings this year!!! Love you lots, Birds and Mom

PaHa said...

Sounds like you guys will not be idle for long. The Lords work continues to move forward.

Good luck as you serve in the capacity the Lord needs you in.

Love you both,

Troy and Nancy

The Hudkins Family said...

We are so excited for you guys!! You are definately keeping busy though! Hope all goes well, see you soon!

The Hudkins Family said...

You often use the phrase with us "we are so proud of you" and we must say the same. Serving the Lord is so much better then Florida and Florida is pretty good. Thank you for your example, we love you!! Love jenny, Graham and TBA