Monday, March 30, 2009


Sunday, March 29, 2009


Gramma,We thought that instead of a dozen great grandchildren, you might like a BAKERS DOZEN.

You can post your guesses on the blog.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Enjoying the Journey

We had a great RS lesson today taken from Pres. Monson's talk on Enjoyig the Journey. I loved the talk when President Monson gave it and have read it more than once, but have never thought of it as deeply as this lady did.

Our teacher had us write down some things to think about. I'd like to share them with you. I hope it will give all of you some food for thought and that you will answer them for yourselves. There are no wrong answers.

1. Name one change that has happened in my life that was SUDDEN.
(For me it was the death of my mother in a car accident)

2. Name one change that has happened in my life that was subtle.
(example: Your hair turning grey happens over time and is very subtle.)

3. Name THREE things in my life that I am grateful for.

4. How did/do I deal with the changes listed in questions 1 & 2?

5. How do I express my gratitude for those things listed in #3?
- to God
- to other people

I thought these were very insightful questions and wanted to share them with those closest to me.

I love you all and am so very proud of my family.


Friday, March 13, 2009

TBA @ 26 weeks!!!

So as inspired by little Stannix and as per the great-Grandma request here is an update of TBA. She has been continually busting a move and the other day my tummy actually made waves...kind of alienish actually but WONDERFUL!!!! Graham and I are still in awe that we are so priveledged to get to have this experience, so blessed and thankful for every tummy ripple or jab!! Sometimes she feels like a little boxer, Graham said it feels similar to speed bagging (a boxing term I think-I picture Rocky). We are getting so excited and can hardly wait until June to meet her and see what she is like. So here are some pics from a photo shoot my good friend did when we were in Fort Mac this past week. My fav is the red sweater one but I also like the shoutout to peace with the last pic 'make life not war' parents were of the hippie generation, I credit/blame them!!!

Love Graham, Jenny & TBA

Thursday, March 12, 2009

when life gets you down

Hi everyone it's pat yes pat

Over the last 3 weeks i've had some problems in my life as everyone does lol
from being sick to having to having surgery on my eye .

Heather has been askin me what the deal is with me and i told her it just seems like i keep getting knocked down and i lost the disire to get back up until i watched this video so i hopr this may help you in life tell me what you think

love Pat and Heather

Six Months!

Hey Everyone! Thought I would post a six months photo. haha Things are going really well here in Red Deer! It has finally warmed up a bit and walking to school isn't so cold!! We love you all very much!