Thursday, March 12, 2009

when life gets you down

Hi everyone it's pat yes pat

Over the last 3 weeks i've had some problems in my life as everyone does lol
from being sick to having to having surgery on my eye .

Heather has been askin me what the deal is with me and i told her it just seems like i keep getting knocked down and i lost the disire to get back up until i watched this video so i hopr this may help you in life tell me what you think

love Pat and Heather


The Hudkins Family said...

Hey Pat & Heather, it's good to hear from you on the blog. Keep in touch!

This is an amazing video, Pat. This fellow has a great message for each one of us. Everyone's life has continual peaks and valleys. It just always seems like the other guy has it easier than we do, but then he's looking at you and thinking that you have it better than he does. Funny how that works.
Everyone struggles with something. The video tells us that we need to continually keep overcoming our hurdles. Our attitude is what makes the difference.

One thing I know for sure. We are all made of really good stuff and we can rise above whatever comes our way. The Lord will help us as we keep trying.

Years ago we had a fellow without legs and arms come to Westwood School in McMurray. He was a motivational speaker and did a similar presentation. So amazing.

We sure love you guys and look forward to July.

Keep facing the sunshine.

Gramma & Grampa

ps: Grampa went on the blog and saw your comment first, (that doesn't happen too often!!) so we watched the video together.

The Hudkins Family said...

Pat & Heather,

Thank you for sharing this! I still have tears in my eyes, his message was truly one of having continued hope and persistence. I LOVE IT!!! Thanks!

I love Grandma and Grandpa's comment about 'facing the sunshine' true because we know that the sun will eventually rise again, it always does!

Much love and hugs to you both! ~Graham, Jenny & TBA

The Hudkins Family said...

Hey Pat - I was so intent on my lecture, I forgot to ask about your eye. Why the surgery? Is it OK now? Both Grampa and I have eye problems. We can somewhat relate. Grampa is now #50 on the cornea transplant list. That has come down from #77.


The Hudkins Family said...

well gramma it was not a planed surgery!! i was using a nail gun and not wearing my safety glasses and a peace of metal from the nail clip came out of the gun and hit me in the eye. It just didn't hit it the peace was stuck in my eye and sticking out so you know me i pulled it out and kept on workin till the next morning when rick made me go to the doctor and the looked at it and put my in to surgery in like ten mins the said if it tore anymore i would have lost my eye so needless to say i bought a pair off safety glasses that cost way to much but i like seeing so it's all good

love pat