Sunday, March 22, 2009

Enjoying the Journey

We had a great RS lesson today taken from Pres. Monson's talk on Enjoyig the Journey. I loved the talk when President Monson gave it and have read it more than once, but have never thought of it as deeply as this lady did.

Our teacher had us write down some things to think about. I'd like to share them with you. I hope it will give all of you some food for thought and that you will answer them for yourselves. There are no wrong answers.

1. Name one change that has happened in my life that was SUDDEN.
(For me it was the death of my mother in a car accident)

2. Name one change that has happened in my life that was subtle.
(example: Your hair turning grey happens over time and is very subtle.)

3. Name THREE things in my life that I am grateful for.

4. How did/do I deal with the changes listed in questions 1 & 2?

5. How do I express my gratitude for those things listed in #3?
- to God
- to other people

I thought these were very insightful questions and wanted to share them with those closest to me.

I love you all and am so very proud of my family.



PaHa said...

Gramma and Grampa,

Thank you for calling last night, I really needed to talk to you guys but have just been so busy. Sometimes we get wrapped up in our busy lives and don't take the time to talk to those who mean a lot in our lives. Thank you for all you have done in raising us and making us good parents ourselves.

We all love you very much and appreciate you,

Troy and Nancy

Jon and Alyson said...

Gramma, these are interesting questions to think about. You're quite the matriarch for our fam. We sure love you and grampa alot!! The Bird Fam

The Hudkins Family said...

These are awesome questions Grandma. Thank you for some of your answers. We love you lots!!!! -Jenny