Sunday, March 29, 2009


Gramma,We thought that instead of a dozen great grandchildren, you might like a BAKERS DOZEN.

You can post your guesses on the blog.


Jon and Alyson said...

who the heck is this???

Leslie and Alyson

The Hudkins Family said...

Ok, we've checked past posts on the blog looking for clues....we've looked at Facebook and have got nothing!!! We even called Grandma this morning before 9 am probing her for clues, she gave up nothing either! We can barely stand it so please, please tell us.

Sincerely the Hinko Girls

The Hudkins Family said...

I think I might have a pretty good guess, but hesitate to say a name because if I am wrong, it could hurt someone's feelings!!!
Auntie Charlene
p.s. you should just tell us already!

The Hudkins Family said...

Well let me see ---
It's not Jenny.
It's not Addie.
It's not Alyson.
It's not Leslie.
It's not Gramma.
They said 13 so that must mean great grandchild - so
It's not Auntie Charlene.
It's not Auntie Roxanne.
It's not Auntie Janene.
It's not Auntie Nancy.
It can't be Grampa!!!

So who else is it not?
Let us know.