Monday, March 30, 2009



The Hudkins Family said...

So the American flag is the clue???
So its a Seattle girl???
so either
Heather or Janeane
cant be Kenzie cause she is CANADIAN!!!!!

The Hudkins Family said...

The flag is a big clue.
The profile is quite different.
The belly button is misplaced.
What happened to that cute little bottom?

(I told Grampa I would sign his name. He said "Oh Yeah, get ME into this!!")


The Hudkins Family said...

It's a beautiful blessing but it won't be mine 'til Patrick gets a new truck, and some toys to haul with it! ~Heather

Jon and Alyson said...

Ummm, the pics are a bit different, so Heather is not the culprit. Just thought of another, perhaps Nani? That still leaves us with the few ladies from Seattle. Or another thought, stinkin boy cousins playing April Fools Jokes...NOT FUNNY -Al

Jenny will be devastated...hehe After all our detective work.