Thursday, March 12, 2009

Six Months!

Hey Everyone! Thought I would post a six months photo. haha Things are going really well here in Red Deer! It has finally warmed up a bit and walking to school isn't so cold!! We love you all very much!


The Hudkins Family said...

Yup - my great-grandbaby is looking wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

Now we need a picture of the other tummy.

Love you,

The Hudkins Family said...

Cute, cute Addie!! I can hardly wait until Brandon and Barb's wedding....we can celebrate them of course and our tummies can meet! I will get on the stick Grandma and post a few pics. Looking so good Addie, Mike and little Stannix.

Love Jenny, Graham & TBA

The Hudkins Family said...

Looking good...I like big bellies, I cannot lie....

Love Kenzy

The Hudkins Family said...

We are so happy for you guys,
The family is growing so much.

Love Uncle Troy and Auntie Nancy