Friday, March 13, 2009

TBA @ 26 weeks!!!

So as inspired by little Stannix and as per the great-Grandma request here is an update of TBA. She has been continually busting a move and the other day my tummy actually made waves...kind of alienish actually but WONDERFUL!!!! Graham and I are still in awe that we are so priveledged to get to have this experience, so blessed and thankful for every tummy ripple or jab!! Sometimes she feels like a little boxer, Graham said it feels similar to speed bagging (a boxing term I think-I picture Rocky). We are getting so excited and can hardly wait until June to meet her and see what she is like. So here are some pics from a photo shoot my good friend did when we were in Fort Mac this past week. My fav is the red sweater one but I also like the shoutout to peace with the last pic 'make life not war' parents were of the hippie generation, I credit/blame them!!!

Love Graham, Jenny & TBA


The Hudkins Family said...

She's looking great! I'm excited for all these babies.

Thanks for the updated pictures. When Grampa read my comment he thought I meant I wanted a picture of Mike 4's tummy!! Too funny.
I told him everyone else would understand.

See - you can be married nearly 52 years - get along well, but still not understand each other. There's always hope!

Love you,

The Hudkins Family said...

You look so beautiful! I couldn't tell you which one is the best picture, they're all amazing. Getting the chance to meet the families other babies was such an honor, and a thrill, and now I will get to do it again. Perhaps all of her movement reflects her own anticipation to be born. Best wishes to you, Graham and TBA. Heather

The Hudkins Family said...

Jenny! These pictures are so adorable!! We're very excited for you guys! Hope things are going well!!

The Hudkins Family said...

We are so happy for you guys,
The family is growing so much.

Love Uncle Troy and Auntie Nancy

The Hudkins Family said...

Wow jenny, one word Beautiful! Can't wait to met her! Take care you 3 xoxo
Kristina,jordan and "the monsters"