Sunday, December 27, 2009

Belated Merry Christmas

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.

Cal and I had a good time seeing the nieces/cousins and the babies (I know Aunty is jealous) and spent some great time with Grandma and Grandpa for a couple days. We visited a lot and even played some cards, and just to let you know that Grandpa and Uncle Troy (who have carried the torch of cheating at nerts) have been dethroned and the torch has been passed to Grandma (still not sure if Cal was an accomplice or just guilt by association). Grandpa and I won anyway, (see cheaters never prosper). So let this be a lesson to all you grandkids, If you want to cheat well at cards follow Grandpa and Uncle Troy, But if you want to be stealthy about it talk to Grandma for tips. I'm sure she's been pulling the wool over our eyes for years, but after much dedication and investigation as to why we always lost I think we have finally found a way to win (catch Grandma).

Grandma and Grandpa we love you very much and will still play cards with you (just pay closer attention).

Love to all, Uncle Troy,
Miss you Baby, Little Miss, Cass and Jeanine, Mat, Pat and Heather

Remember this,
A New Years resolution is something that
goes in one year and out the other.


The Hudkins Family said...

Boy! I make one mistake and everyone jumps all over it. Well - I do have to admit, it was a cheating mistake!! Now I'm trying to figure out how Troy & Grampa have so much fun while cheating. I'll have to practice more so that I can perfect the art. You know what they say - practice, practice, practice.

We had a good time. Thanks for lending us your boys, Nancy.

Happy New Year everyone.

I sure love you all.