Tuesday, December 8, 2009

hey all its cal i am finally on here i know!

hey now that the american family is coming back seriously this time i have one question.

When is the big big bad hudkins family reunion gonna happen and where of course come on grandma set it up lets go set it up for some time after june when mom and them come back =) i miss everyone oh so much im working like a dog and wish i were sleepin like a log but im not about 5 hours every night working 2 jobs lol i may be getting a truck soon here. i finaly talked dad into buying a bass guitar so we could finaly jam together im teaching him slowely but surely lol mike hinko im gonna come visit u eventually and we can jam together to ok gimmie some time to get a few days off work and ill fly up some time and addie, mike, chris,jordan,aron,brandon maybe a phone call or 2 gimmie an adress so maybe i could drive up and stay a few days with you guys some time or maybe a little cousin cousin bonding time in lethbridge u know what just bring the whole family lol i know dad would like it anyways its late and i work with bruce jensen tomorrow on my day off of both jobs lol workoholic i know dad to but it keeps us out of trouble anyways i love you all and miss u oh so very much and cant wait to eventually see you all again very soon.

Love CAL the Hitman Hudkins you all enjoy the snow now


The Hudkins Family said...

Cal, Graham said he heard from you! It would be awesome if you came up one weekend, we could all play rockband or wait your might kick all of our butts with your mad skills!! We will see you when you are up for Christmas for sure.

Sounds like both you and Uncle are working like crazy. I bet you guys miss your family. The goal right, the goal!!?? Love you both ~Jenny

The Hudkins Family said...

Good to hear from you on the blog, Cal. Yes, I think a reunion this summer is an excellent idea. I don't know of any weddings this summer.
I'll help anyone who is willing to work on it. The long weekend in July would probably be too early for you movers, but maybe the long weekend in August.
Anyone interested - please be in touch with me and maybe we can get our heads together.
Didn't you guys have one at a lake out here when we were on our mission? Well - we're on a mission again!! and it sounds like a plan to me.
Our family is pretty big now with all the marriages and greats. It will be a hoot!

Love to everyone,

The Hudkins Family said...

I am totally in on the family reunion idea...It has been WAY to long since we all got together! And you can stay here any time you want Cal!! We'd love to see you! It's great to hear from you!!
Love lots,

The Hudkins Family said...

Hey Cal! Nice to hear from you guys, welcome back to Gods country!! Ha, ha! I got a good idea.... Why don't you get together with a couple of your cousins and organize one somewhere around Edmonton or Red Deer so Gramma & Grampa (and us in the Mac) don't have to go so far? Us old people have planned a few, we'll pass the torch to the next generation.