Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas Everyone

O.K. I decided I would be the FIRST to wish you all a wonderful Christmas, filled with love, joy and thoughts of the Saviour.

I am so grateful to Him for coming to earth and being an example of how we should live our lives and then to make it possible for us to return to live with our Heavenly Father.

I hope that we all remember the reason for the season and give thanks.

The gift for us is that Troy and Cal will be able to spend a bit of time with us. We are looking so forward to that, as are the cousins. However, as we look forward to our good fortune, we are mindful of the family in Bremerton -- anything worth doing is never easy. Please know that we love you and are thinking of you and wish you were here with us as well.

Anyone travelling - please drive safely.


Much love to everyone,
Gramma & Grampa


The Hudkins Family said...

We wish that we could be there as well, altogether. It will be soon enough. We will start our new adventure together again, doing whatever Heavenly Father has planned for us on this new journey. Love You All. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas

PS....Only 170 more days, but who's counting