Monday, December 21, 2009

Polischuk's on Vacation!

So we are back and looking forward to Christmas!! Getting away is always great but there is no place like home. The days of being DINKS (dual income no kids) are over and with that has come a change in vacationing, still awesome but waaaayyy different. Amelia had almost two suitcases to herself, no jokes Graham and I crazy packed our stuff sharing one. Oh how things change, I use to bring one bag for shoes/purses/ diapers/food/baby gear. Amelia did great, the hardest was our flights. She wasn't a terror by any stretch but she reached a point both times where she would have liked her own space with no one crowding or touching her - tough luck on an airplane sweetheart!! The little woman watched and looked at everyone and everything, just taking stuff in with those little peepers. It was a blast, so fun with our wee woman and Grandma Hinko! Grandma still loves to travel and since Grandpa Hinko passed takes the opportunity to travel with others.
Cruising is fabulous; the shows amazing, the musicians talented and the food, oh the food!!!
We left Florida and stopped in Grand Cayman, Honduros, Mexico and the Bahama's.

A family pic on the ship!

Making Amelia's hat go Austrailian outback style!!

Kisses from momma, she clearly was only 'sorta' enjoying them!!

Weirdly Graham's Dad and Janis were in Mexico so we had planned to have a date.

Amelia after trying my strawberry marg...yum yum!

Beach in Mexico, not a beach to go swimming in that day!

One of the sunset views from our deck!

Grandma Hinko and I posed for an amazing background!!!

It just seemed so 'un'christmas like wearing shorts and seeing Santa in shorts!!!! It seems REAL christmas like upon our return to Canada!!!!!

In retrospect it seems wrong to have let this guy hold our child! Sorry Mia!!

She loves drinking from a 'big' girl cup, fun times especially when she is dressed pretty!!!!

Chillin on our deck with her dress stuck on that head.

On the little boat, going to the BIG boat!!

Just a cute pic of the short one, such smiles now!!!!

In her sailer outfit Grandma (my mom) bought for her. Of course one must sport nautical wear when going nautical!

Hope fully not boring for you guys but wanted to show my parents and thought you all might get a few laughs from the Amelia pics! We are slightly obsessed with her, a good thing though I think. ~ Love the Polischuk's


The Hudkins Family said...
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The Hudkins Family said...

It looks like you had a great time. The pictures are wonderful. Thanks for sharing with them and it's always good to have you back home.

It's nice to have someone write on the blog. I think we must have a "don't write flu" in our family or something wierd like that. Everyone's looking but no one's sharing.

Would be nice to see some Jamaica pictures -- hint, hint.
