Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Best Vacay Ever!

Soooo Jen, Les, I and babies all headed up to the Mac to enjoy a lil visit with the fam. It was sure nice to see our parents, brother and few friends. Whilst on this trip some fantastic, memorable moments occured.

1. The first one begins with some innocent clothes shopping with Les, Mom, Jacey, Kingston and myself. Les had gone to strap in the lil monsters while mom and I finished paying for our stuff when all of a sudden Les runs in wheeling Jacey and exclaims, " WE have a big problem." The big refered to problem was that Kingston had been strapped in, doors locked and closed. So the tiny tyke was in the sans adult supervision. We tried unsuccessfully a few times to coax the little gent to push the unlock button but he would just smile at us and play with the keys, while sitting nicely. (Now he sits nicely) hehe So Les ran to an auto place, which told her to run to the security place who told her...We can help! And they did. A kind gent thought we looked pathetic enough to unlock this poor boy and give him back to us. Poor Les was more freaked out than Kingston I think.

2. Les and I were on our way outta town when we had a Fuji Sushi craving hit us, and like suckers we stopped. It wasn't open for another 10 mins and we thought, "why not let the kids run around Plaza II before the car ride?" So Kingston made me ride the escalators over and over again and Les carried Jacey football style around the mall until time was up. We decided to hitch a ride with the elevator along with another mom and her two kidlets. Ummm, it stopped moving. The elevator got stuck between the two floors. AWESOME! So Les called the emergency number while I stopped Kingston from putting his fingers in the two stranger kids mouths and tried to not let Jacey touch the floor/wall/ceiling/ anything. The lady thought we were in the States and then told us it would be about 1/2 hour until we were rescued. Umm, did I say we were in Plaza II mall elevator with four infant kids?!? Blech. After about 10 mins or so Les and I could hear people and figured we had to be close to the floor and so we sumo powered the doors open. There was a security guy on the other side and we were about a foot above the floor. We hopped out, said sayonara to the mall and enjoyed our sushi...after we lysol wiped. =)

NO JOKE, these two storied happened within 2 days of each other. I might just write a book about my life now. - Alyson


polischuk said...

I love that Kingston was just sitting so nicely in the car well everyone was freaking out, he was most likely just enjoying his alone time!!!! Also, so glad I wasn't at Plaza II with you guys....nasty! Glad you're back love ya ~Jenny

The Hudkins Family said...

Your life is anything but dull. Thanks for sharing. Makes our current episodes seem tame, but also brings back memories of younger years!


The Hudkins Family said...

Sounds like an interesting couple days, Good thing it wasn't super Cold/Hot or a broken window would have been the call of the day.

Uncle Brent