Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Great Day

Yesterday we had a wonderful opportunity. All the missionaries were gathered together in our stake center to hear Elder Melchin, Elder Hallstrom and Elder Nelson. This is one of the perks for serving a mission.

When the general authorities came into the chapel we all stood up. They lined up in front of the chapel and we all got to shake their hands. The talks were so good. Elder Melchin spoke very briefly. He had been to our mission just over a month ago. Then Elder Hallstrom spoke. Grampa and I were privileged to have Elder Hallstrom and his wife and daughters at Vancouver when he did a mission tour there. He was in the office while in Vancouver and signed one of my apples. Yesterday he spoke for about 10 or so minutes. Next Sister Wendy Watson Nelson spoke. She is such a good speaker. She said that each day she has a question in mind. Opens her scriptures randomly and reads until she has the answer to her question.

Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve was the concluding speaker. He spoke for quite a while and then asked if there were any questions. Our young missionaries had some really great questions. He answered each one of them by turning to the scriptures. It was an amazing learning experience. I think he must have the scriptures memorized. I am always amazed how they can tell you exactly where to turn to find the answers to your questions.

Then - just to make our day even better, we were delighted to have Mathew and Liza here from the states together with other grandkids who were able to come for supper. We love having our family together. This is the blessing of old age. Those little short people are the cutest!!

We love you all so very much,
Gramma & Grampa


The Hudkins Family said...

Even some of the tall people are cute too... Hey Gramma