Thursday, March 4, 2010

Update from Aaron & Chelsey

Hi everyone,
We are back from our vacation/wedding and had a wonderful time. We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people in attendance. The weather was beautiful and the wedding day was perfect. We couldn't have asked for a better day. Spending two weeks in a third world country sure made us appreciate the wonderful life we have here in Canada and we are so thankful for all the great people we have to share it with. We are now back to work and enjoying our married life together. We know we haven't been the best bloggers, but we promise to try and blog more often.


Aaron & Chelsey


The Hudkins Family said...

Nancy and I congratulate you on your marriage and we are glad you had a wonderful time.

May the future bring all life's greatest blessings into your home and may you have an enjoyable life together.

Love Uncle Troy and Auntie Nancy

The Hudkins Family said...

Beautiful pictures. We wish you the Lord's richest blessings today and forever.

Love always,
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

I just looked at your pictures again. What a good looking couple you are! A beautiful bride and a handsome groom. We sure wish we could have been there.

Always be each other's very best friend.

Love you,