Sunday, March 7, 2010

more Dominican pics

Some pics at the resort. Brooke at an outside restaurant, offthe balcony of Jordan and Kristinas room, a street in one of the towns (shot with one hand while steering a dune buggy), on the boat we went snorkeling from (the waves are breaking on the reef behind us) and the setting for the wedding ceremony just before Aaron and Chelsey got hitched!! It was a real good time, hot weather, beautiful beach and good company.
I'll post some more tomorrow.
Uncle Brent


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for sharing these pictures with us, Brent. It looks like you had a wonderful time. The country is so beautiful. It's nice to see the setting for the wedding. I was wondering how they would have it set up. Very pretty!

Brooke is so grown-up already!

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

ack! my burnt nose!! but great photo i must say :)

im missing the sun thats forsure!