Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Our big/little news

Hey everyone,

We haven't had internet access but have been sooo excited to share our news. Cass and I are going to be parents in September. We are almost 11 weeks now and had a sonogram done 2 weeks agoThis is babies back, not too exciting but they get better

This the front, you can see the head and little arms and legs

Here's the side, the kid looks like an alien but we love it anyway, you can see the cord really well and it looks like the arms are by the head
We'll keep you all updated, we go back to the doctor's on the 15Th so we'll post soon after.
Cass and Jeanine


The Hudkins Family said...

So exciting you guys! Congrats! Can't wait!!!
The Stannix Fam

The Hudkins Family said...

How exciting is this? THIRTEEN is a really great number!! We love it. All those cousins will have so much fun together. Exciting!

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Well it's official' Nancy and I are going to be grandparents. I am very excited to get the opportunity to spoil kids and send them home and I'm definitely going to carry on the tradition of taking grandkids shopping on Saturday mornings. I can't wait and I know Nancy is excited too.

Love you Cass and Jeanine miss you lots.

Jon and Alyson said...

WAHOO! Especially because you will live at my house with the munchkin. Jacey is practicing sharing her toys already... Although I must warn you, Jacey refused to look at Amelia for an awful long time. =) We are so excited for you guys!! Love The Bird Fam

polischuk said...

So excited for you guys!!! Having a little person is WONDERFUL!!!!! Enjoy the pregnancy experience, it is amazing. Love you guys tons and can't wait to have you join us at the Library groups! Love the Polischuk's

The Hudkins Family said...

cant beleive it an uncle already who would have thought Cass such a little Innocent guy. anyways it awesome to be an uncle i am so very excited im gonna teach this baby to spit and play hockey plus i will spoil the crap out of them and when that happens i will be sending them home to there father to clean it up lol being an uncle will rule Cass love ya bro love you guys both cant wait to get ya up here to see all the new stuff we have done miss ya guys. =)

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations Cass and Jeanine. Its wonderful being grandparents and parents (and challenging to be a parent). This is great news.

Love Uncle Brent and Auntie Rocky.