Sunday, May 30, 2010

Interesting Statistic

I would like to share with you what I think is an interesting statistic. We all know about it, but this is the first time I put it to the test.

Last weekend we went to Saskatoon in our (new to us) vehicle. I wanted to see what kind of mileage we would get. What better highway to do it on than the nice flat roads going to Saskatchewan. We decided to take two different routes. We drove down on the smaller highway and travelled at 100 kmh. Our gas mileage was 39 miles per gallon.

We came back on the Yellowhead where the speed limit is 110. We travelled at exactly 110. Our gas mileage was only 29 miles per gallon. I found it interesting that we lost 10 miles per gallon at the higher speed. So --- save the planet (and your money). Slow Down!!

I hope you all enjoyed the Canada Conference today.

Love you all,

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Struggle of Life

This picture sure makes me think of all the struggles we have had in our life, even up to the last 8 months. Only 6 days left.

I love you all and can't wait to be together with my family again.

Love Troy

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kenz and her fun

This is how much Kenzy and her friend Kelly Love their seminary teacher. They had alot of fun doing this in the wee hours of the morning!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mackenzy's Prom

Thought I would share some of Mackenzy's Prom pictures. She had a great time. They even road in a limo (Hummer). Her Prom was at the Ballroom on Bangor Submarine Navy Base. I will update when we get more pictures.
Guess which one is Mackenzy?
Yes you were right the one wearing the tennis shoes. She had a lot of fun with them.
Anyone notice no braces! Yes she does have her Dad's Smile!!!
Oh Ya I should introduce the good looking gent on her arm......Blake they are friends from hockey.....defence partners,nice young man.More to come soon.
Love Ya
Auntie Nancy

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Family Reunion

Hi everyone I have a request. For the reunion Jenny has me in charge of a project. I am excited to do this project but need some help from everyone. In order to get things going I will need everyones email address, I need this as quick as possible as my time is limited to complete this. We only have a few weeks left in Bremerton, then I don't know how long we will be without internet and with a week of moving this shortens my time again. If you could send me these asap I would truly appreciate it. Please send your email addresses to
I need an address from at least each family unit or more. I will then send the rest of what I need through everyones emails.

Charlene's (thanks received)
Jenny's (thanks received)
Alyson's(thanks received)
Leslie's (thanks received)

Brent's (thanks received)
Brandon's (thanks received)
Aaron's (thanks received)
Jordon's (thanks received)

Addie's (thanks received)

Jenny please let me know if I am missing anyone else?
Love Ya All

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Birthday GRAMPA

Hope you have a wonderful day, and all the things you wish for on your birthday come to you.

Have fun and don't over-indulge.

We all love you very much and appreciate the wisdom and guidance you have given us through the years. your support and love is always a comfort to us.

Oh and by the way you are the best driving instructor in the world.

Love, Troy, Nancy and all the kids.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Blessed are the BLOGHOGS,

for thou shalt bring joy to all who read
with thy great Words of Wisdom,
and thy pictures of family and loved ones
shall impress others and give inspiration,
even unto those in faraway lands
thou shalt touch their hearts.

Thou shalt Blog often
and treat others to the joys and sorrows in thine own life,
for the strength of the family is never-ending.

All Bloggers should strive to be a BLOGHOG,
for they shall be loved by all the family.

Love to all, Blog often :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Michael's Graduation

Hello everyone,
Here's some pictures of Michael's graduation from fire fighting boot camp Monday May 10.
He got a promotion from Recruit to Probationary fire fighter. His first shifts were last Thurs & Fri. Being a newby the guys played a few practical jokes on him, started him on fire and poured water on him and various other things you can ask him about. As a family we are very proud of Michael. He showed determination and was very focused at accomplishing his goals as a fireman. Having watched him go thru the process we know how difficult it is to get into firefighting. It was very dark in the facility so the pictures are darker than we would have liked.
However, all the recruits would be receiving professional pictures taken that night.

This was prior to getting his hat and diploma as a recruit.

There were two classes at this training camp. Michael was one of sixteen of class 125.

In formation after marching into the banquet room.

There were two big screens and this is Michael on one of them.

After the ceremonies we were able to mingle with the grads. These are a few taken in his new
uniform. Looks sharp eh!
Grama Hudkins and Michael.

Proud parents & grand parents
Family Pic
Sibling pic
Michael's girfriend and family

Grandparents Hudkins & Hayes
Michael with Emma & Arland

I don't mean to take so much room on the blog. Does this make me a blog hog Uncle Troy? Ha Ha.

Love you all

Uncle Garth


When is the reunion: Friday July 30th- Monday August 2nd
Where is the reunion: (Just north of Edmonton)

So after scouting out a few different locations we've decided on McLeod Creek Farm. It is a fully functioning farm that offeres little ponies to check out and a wagon ride for our big crew. The group site is pretty private and it was affordable so we booked it.

A few things we want you to know;
* we need to bring our own water, for cooking and drinking

* hoping each little family can bring some type of snack food to share, either a pan of squares, a plate of cookies or a watermelon...a snack to share with the masses

* breakfast and supper will be provided (we will contact families individually for help) BUT LUNCH is on your own, so bring lunch supplies for your little family

* Saturday afternoon swimming- we've booked the swimming pool is Fort Saskatchewan so bring your swim suit if you'd like to participate

* Saturday night we'll be honouring Grandpa Hudkins who turns 75 this year ( in May actually) this evenings dinner will be at the Fort Sask Chapel. We've booked the gym so can put up tables and use the kitchen.

* Also Saturday night we have a photographer coming to do a group shot, if you'd like individual family pics contact Jenny for details

I'm thinking this covers what we have organized so far. Looking forward to it!!! Please ask your family to check this post or pass along the info. As it gets closer we'll confirm numbers. Love you all ~Addie, Alyson, Leslie & Jenny

Saturday, May 15, 2010


We have been spending lots of time out in our yard doing some gardening. Camilla doesn't much like sitting on the nice picnic blanket I bring out for her, she would rather be in the dirt with mum and dad. haha

In this pic, she just couldn't wait to rip her socks off and feel the dirt between her toes.

Upclose shot!

She started laughing and enjoying watching her daddy dig and work....

Walking to the park to play!

My beautiful momma after I cut her hair, and Emma styled it!!

Love you all,
The Stannix's

Michael's Graduation

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

20 Week Ultrasound

Love, Cass and Jeanine

What baby # 3!?

Yes its true, we are going to have another one! Crazy?.. Maybe, But so excited and can not wait!
This time we are NOT going to find out what the sex of the baby is, its going to be super hard but were going to do our best, we thought we have our girl and our boy so why not let this one be a surprise. The kids are very pumped, Austin keeps asking if the baby is coming out now, he cant wait to be a big brother, he has a long ways to wait, keisha just hopes its a girl hahah. Were all doing well and trying our best to keep up with the site. :)

We will keep things posted!

Jordan, Kristina, Keisha, Austin and Baby "It"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Congratulations Michael

Last evening we attended a beautiful graduation ceremony for Classes 125 & 126 of the Edmonton Fire Department. Our very own Michael was one of the graduands in #125. He has had a dream ever since he was little. He has worked diligently to achieve this goal.

Congratulations, Mike. We are so very proud of you.

If you all think Mike is handsome, you should see him in his uniform!! If you think he's handsome in his regular uniform, you should see him in his DRESS Red Serge uniform!!! Makes the girls drool and Gramma really proud!

NOW -- we are anxiously awaiting some pictures or even videos to be posted.

Congratulations, Mike. Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration and great example to all of us. When I grow up, I want to be like you.

Gramma & Grampa

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Blessed art thou woman
For thou shalt be called Mother
Yea, and thy chores and thy tasks
Shall follow thee all the days of thy life.

And thou shalt eat the bread of thine own baking
And Thou shall dwell forever in a
Filthy house, if thou doest not choose
To clean it thyself

Thou shalt arise before the cock croweth
And thou shalt say unto thine self,
“Where are the offspring
Which were given me? Yea, the sun
Has risen high in the sky, and the
Hour is getting late; wherefore, I
Have been long at my labors.”

And thou shalt go and find thy
Offspring prostrate on their cot.
And thou shalt say unto them, “Haste,
Arise and shine, for I have many labors
For thee to perform, Wherefore, I have
Been many hours already preparing the way”

And thine offspring shall linger in sleep
And shall say unto thee, “Thou didst
Not watch the late, late, late show
As I did last night and mine eyes are
Heavy and mine bones acheth.”

And thou shalt say unto thy offspring,
“get thee up from thy cot
ere I lay hand upon thee
and go ye hither and scrub a sparkling tub
for thou has left black rings upon its sides.”

And thy offspring shall say unto thee,
“I will go and do thy bidding—in a minute.”

And thy rage shall know no end and thou shalt weep and wail and knash thy teeth mightily.

Nevertheless, thou shalt scrub a sparkling tub thyself and glory
Shall be added unto thee, for thou didst
Not strike the lazy beast.

Thou art blessed above all others
And thy descendents shall call thee
Blessed, for thou preparest a table before them
Thou cookest meat and all manner of tasty vittles
And they shall sit at the table with thee
And partake with thee.

And they shall add glory to thy crown
For they shall let thee also wash the dishes,
If thou wilt.

And when the night falleth, thou shalt be pooped
And thy offspring shall say of thee,
“She is an old woman, wherefore
She neither goes dancing, nor does she
Watch the late, late, late show.”

Thy art and thy craft shall make thee called on
And thou shalt labor at many tasks in the kingdom
For whosoever asketh, thou do his bidding.

Thy back shall acheth with arthritis,
Thy cane and thy husband
Shall be thy support
Thy veins shall be varicose in thy aching legs
But thou shalt do thy labor with a smile,
Neither shall thou gripe
For in the day that thou doest,
Thy name shall be mud.

Nevertheless, thou art blessed for
thou art crowned with the angels
On the second Sunday of May on each
And every year.

Wherefore, thou shalt be blessed above
All others for thou art Mother
And thou shalt find peace and joy in
Thy offspring forever and ever,
If thou endureth to the end!

Love you all, Troy


A Mother's unconditional love
approaches Christlike love.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers (wives), Mothers to be, Mother wanna be's and even to the younger girls who will be future Mothers. A special Happy Mother's Day to the Mothers in Washington. I hope your day is wonderful and filled with love from your family and those close to you. Thank you Mothers for all the kindness and love given through the years. Thank you for the healing kisses and the comfort for the scraped knees. Thank you for being the support to us Fathers after giving so much of yourself even when you have almost nothing left.

With that being said we all love you very much, from all of your Husbands, Fathers and children.

All My Love, (insert significant name here)