Saturday, May 15, 2010


We have been spending lots of time out in our yard doing some gardening. Camilla doesn't much like sitting on the nice picnic blanket I bring out for her, she would rather be in the dirt with mum and dad. haha

In this pic, she just couldn't wait to rip her socks off and feel the dirt between her toes.

Upclose shot!

She started laughing and enjoying watching her daddy dig and work....

Walking to the park to play!

My beautiful momma after I cut her hair, and Emma styled it!!

Love you all,
The Stannix's


PaHa said...

Camilla is such a cute little girl, she will be helping in the garden in no time.

Love you all,

Uncle Troy and Auntie Nancy

The Hudkins Family said...

I definitely think she takes after her Gramma J. She already loves gardening. What a cutie!

Good haircut.


The Hudkins Family said...

What a cutie pie! I adore that little woman, such fun. Addie the second picture is seriously beautiful, well done!!!! Love the Polischuk's

The Hudkins Family said...

Cute pics of the "short" girl - a.k.a. Cami and great hair cut and do on the "old" girl - a.k.a. Gramma