Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What baby # 3!?

Yes its true, we are going to have another one! Crazy?.. Maybe, But so excited and can not wait!
This time we are NOT going to find out what the sex of the baby is, its going to be super hard but were going to do our best, we thought we have our girl and our boy so why not let this one be a surprise. The kids are very pumped, Austin keeps asking if the baby is coming out now, he cant wait to be a big brother, he has a long ways to wait, keisha just hopes its a girl hahah. Were all doing well and trying our best to keep up with the site. :)

We will keep things posted!

Jordan, Kristina, Keisha, Austin and Baby "It"


Jon and Alyson said...

Oooh Exciting!! I saw on your facebook like a week or so ago Kristina a convo and then thought nah I ain't gonna ask or stalk out hehe Congrats guys, another great for the grandparents. We sure do make them work don't we?!? =) Enjoy! Love The Birds

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations -- 14 is a good number. We like having greats! Pretty soon Brent & Roxanne will be caught up to us as grandparents.

Love to all,
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

congats Jordan and Kristina, we are so excited for you. we cant wait to meet all of you kids.

Cass and Jeanine

The Hudkins Family said...

A family tie breaker hey, love it!! It will be fun to see Austin as the "BIG" brother and of course Keisha will again be a rockstar in her oldest sibling role. Super exciting guys and impressed on your intentions to wait finding out!!! (I totally could not do it so I am in ahhh) Love the Polischuk's