Sunday, May 16, 2010

Michael's Graduation

Hello everyone,
Here's some pictures of Michael's graduation from fire fighting boot camp Monday May 10.
He got a promotion from Recruit to Probationary fire fighter. His first shifts were last Thurs & Fri. Being a newby the guys played a few practical jokes on him, started him on fire and poured water on him and various other things you can ask him about. As a family we are very proud of Michael. He showed determination and was very focused at accomplishing his goals as a fireman. Having watched him go thru the process we know how difficult it is to get into firefighting. It was very dark in the facility so the pictures are darker than we would have liked.
However, all the recruits would be receiving professional pictures taken that night.

This was prior to getting his hat and diploma as a recruit.

There were two classes at this training camp. Michael was one of sixteen of class 125.

In formation after marching into the banquet room.

There were two big screens and this is Michael on one of them.

After the ceremonies we were able to mingle with the grads. These are a few taken in his new
uniform. Looks sharp eh!
Grama Hudkins and Michael.

Proud parents & grand parents
Family Pic
Sibling pic
Michael's girfriend and family

Grandparents Hudkins & Hayes
Michael with Emma & Arland

I don't mean to take so much room on the blog. Does this make me a blog hog Uncle Troy? Ha Ha.

Love you all

Uncle Garth


The Hudkins Family said...

You can be a bloghog any day, Garth. It's just good to hear from you.

Thanks for posting the pictures. We are definitely proud.

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

You can be a bloghog if the pics are of someone know, good looking people! LOL

Nice pics. Please post the professional ones when you get them.

Uncle Brent