Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mackenzy's Prom

Thought I would share some of Mackenzy's Prom pictures. She had a great time. They even road in a limo (Hummer). Her Prom was at the Ballroom on Bangor Submarine Navy Base. I will update when we get more pictures.
Guess which one is Mackenzy?
Yes you were right the one wearing the tennis shoes. She had a lot of fun with them.
Anyone notice no braces! Yes she does have her Dad's Smile!!!
Oh Ya I should introduce the good looking gent on her arm......Blake they are friends from hockey.....defence partners,nice young man.More to come soon.
Love Ya
Auntie Nancy


The Hudkins Family said...

Mackenzy - you look beautiful! Your smile is wonderful. Blake is a handsome young man too. Just remember - he doesn't get first dibs, we do. You're coming to Canada!!!

So glad you had a good time. I love the ribbons in the shoes matching the dress. Cute idea!
We look forward to more pictures. Thanks for sharing, Nancy.

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations Mackenzy. You sure are pretty! (even with the braces you were pretty) Hope to see you people in Canada soon.

Uncle Brent

The Hudkins Family said...

Kenzy! You look amazing!! I hardly recognized you! Love the dress too! ;) Congrats and can't wait to see you again Cuz!!
Addie, Mike and Camilla