Sunday, May 30, 2010

Interesting Statistic

I would like to share with you what I think is an interesting statistic. We all know about it, but this is the first time I put it to the test.

Last weekend we went to Saskatoon in our (new to us) vehicle. I wanted to see what kind of mileage we would get. What better highway to do it on than the nice flat roads going to Saskatchewan. We decided to take two different routes. We drove down on the smaller highway and travelled at 100 kmh. Our gas mileage was 39 miles per gallon.

We came back on the Yellowhead where the speed limit is 110. We travelled at exactly 110. Our gas mileage was only 29 miles per gallon. I found it interesting that we lost 10 miles per gallon at the higher speed. So --- save the planet (and your money). Slow Down!!

I hope you all enjoyed the Canada Conference today.

Love you all,