Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Adventures of Cal and Shauna Continue!

Hello dearest family, Cal and Shauna here! Thought we would give you guys an update about how things are going in Cranbrook, British Columbia! Things have been pretty busy for us (Cal is full-time at College and Shauna is finishing up the last bit of her program). Here are a few pictures of what Cal has been doing in school and what we've been doing together (don't worry, there will be plenty more pictures to come!!).
The first picture here is the back side of City Hall in Kimberely, BC. This is where Cal does most of his training. Some of the minor classroom work is done in Cranbrook and the majority is done in Kimberley. This is about a 30 minute drive between the two cities. All practical training is done in Kimberley such as live fire practices, pictures of the live fire training will soon come!  

 This is where Fire Chief Al parks (don't park here or you run stairs in P.P.E for an hour)
 This is where all the career firefighters keep their P.P.E.

 These are all the technical knots we will be learning next week!

This is the Number 3 fire engine that is used between Cranbrook and Kimberley. This is Kimberley's main apparatus.

 I jumped in the engine and showed Shauna and her mom all the gear and fun toys.

This is the mask they wear for going in fires.

 This is the interior of the fire engine I get to drive, this is Kimberley's Number 4 engine and is only used if they need an extra engine on scene. This is also our training engine. We call it the Green Slime.

 This is part of engine 3's pumping system.

 I am the king standing next to the Green Slime. The two hose beds I am pointing at are called the attack lines. These are used for going into the building to fight the fire.

 This is where my class gets to ride up to the training grounds (unless one of us calls shotgun).

 These are the air cylinders that we breathe out of that go along with our P.P.E. We have 20 that stay on the truck at all times and 9 that stay on our backpacks.

 This side of the rack is where the volunteer firefighters put all their P.P.E.

 This is my gear!

 (This one pretty much speaks for itself). Rockin' the Hudkins name!!

 Shauna geared up in all my P.P.E. Showing her what it's like.
Since I sweat like my father.....its not fun to be in this on a hot day.

 Here is me all geared up (minus the gloves).

 Here's a few glamour shots (Shauna wanted me to pose. Mr. January?)

 Tush shot.

 Lookin' fine in suspenders.

 Fire engine number 4!

 This one's for Mike. Happy Birthday, Buddy.

Shauna and Cal taking a ride in the Fire Engine!

 Crazy axe man.

Always workin hard in the class room.

 Hmmm, I wonder which one is Cal's. (I was surprised to learn that it was ACTUALLY the neat!)

 Showing the guns.

 Little bit of Cal and Shauna together, this is for our fans (aka. moms and dads).

Cal and his new ride.

Hope all is well with everyone. Until next time, comment lots please!
Love, Shauna and Cal


The Stannix's said...

Nice to hear from ya cousin! Thanks for sharing all the pics! Good luck with all the fire fighting stuff! Super excited for ya!
Addie, Mike, Camilla & #2

The Hudkins Family said...

Just so you know.... Aunts and Uncles are fans of their nieces and nephews (and wives/girlfriends/children etc.) Glad you are posting and really enjoyed the Mr. January shot. LOL. The good looks of the Hudkins still going strong! (oh yah, Hinkos have Hudkins blood in them too, lucky for them).

Uncle Brent

Jon and Alyson said...

Lucky for us?!?! Don't you mean the Hinko's bring it to an all new level. =) That is awesome Cal, glad that all the Fire Bitt Kicking is going well. Shauna, you look great, love the scarf. Love you guys, Jon, Al and Jacey

The Hudkins Family said...

Good Pictures, Cal & Shauna. Sounds like you are really enjoying your course, Cal. Keep working hard. What does PPE mean?
Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

Unknown said...

P.P.E stands for personal protective equipment all the gear I wear to go into the fire thank you for looking I am enjoying every minute of it

Arland said...

That's awesome guys! Glad to hear that your enjoying the firefighting!

The Hudkins Family said...

Thanx for the "virtual" tour you guys-felt like I was there! Keep up the good work, Cal to ditto Gramma (I knew what PPE was, mom)

The Hudkins Family said...

Nice to read your post Cal and Shauna! It looks like you are really enjoying the firefighting life Cal.

Love Uncle Garth

Troy & Nancy said...

Love the pictures you guys. The ones of you two are really nice. Look forward to coming out and seeing it all in person. Glad you are both doing great.
Love Ya. Mom & Dad & Kenz