Monday, September 10, 2012

Ability Camp - Round 3 for Jacey

Well for those of you who know, we headed back to Jacey's Ability Camp this past week. We saw such improvement from the 10 week stint we did in April - June that we knew we were going to head back. We just didn't think it would be this soon! The camp was offering free hyperbaric sessions with September camp (we found out about 2.5 weeks before it was to start). Soooo Jon and I hummed and hawed and thought about it. Could we be prepared in less than 3 weeks? What about her GRIT and preschool and Edmonton Conductive Education? What about Jon in school and unable to come? Is there any other family who would come so soon to help me? All of these crazy questions....but here we are and things have worked out great.

Although in true Bird organizational fashion we found out that I could not participate myself in the hyperbaric sessions, as WE ARE EXPECTING ANOTHER TINY BIRD!!!! This is super exciting, terrifying and nausea inducing. Jon and I had decided after the last camp that perhaps adding another littler person to our brood would be a good thing. I felt like with Jacey progressing so much and starting school and things that I would not lose my mind completely. Aaaand BOOM another baby in the making! However, that meant I could not do hyperbarics, so with the sweetness of the family who are visiting and some great friends who are at camp with thier kids, Jacey will hopefully get all of her dives!

As for Miss Bird's week. My little sister Leslie came with me and helped get organized. Jacey thought is was great having Auntie Leslie around to play with and help her. I have been quite sick (super fun) and so Leslie did an awful lot for me while she was here. The flight and drive were long as usual but there were smiles when we got in the door and worked on organizing our room and seeing our old friends. I was worried that the next morning Jacey would freak out at seeing Kriztina but she pushed poor Leslie out of the way to get to her. There were happy shreiks, many blown kisses and reaching for her instructor. (Whewph for the no tears!!) So she has been a rock star walking in to class and working hard with her equipment and things. I am so proud of her and how well she has adjusted. She is eating like a champ and sleeping through the hyperbarics with her friend. However, I would love it if she would be less punk-ish and sleep in a bit more. 6 am comes stinking early, and class doesn't begin until 8:30. Ugh!!!

I am feeling ok. Sick off and on throughout the day. Some are better than others, but being so communal is tricky. Many smells, the bathrooms are not your own to be sick in (THE WORST PART) and of course working with Jacey is hard work anyways when you feel good never mind all yucky! So it is a fun thing for sure. Makes me grateful for all the help coming. Leslie was here the first week and then my dad and Gramma Hinko are coming for about 5 days in a week and a half and then Jon's mom will come for a week at the end. So I am only alone for a bout 2.5 weeks which is do-able. We are then heading to Newfoundland for a week to visit family. Excited to see them but hard to be away from Jon for another week. We'll see how things all go!

Anyways Bird girl will be done a dive in a few minutes so I should go and check on supper and her. Sweet Thai Chili Chicken in the slow cooker....mmmmm..or ugh....I guess we will see! Love you all and miss you! Love- Jacey and Alyson


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Alyson. We are delighted that Jacey settled right in. It is exciting to see her progress. Hope the chicken sits well.

Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

Garth said...

Love you all Bird Family! Sound like great success's in the making. You are constantly in our prayers!

Love Janene and Garth