Saturday, September 22, 2012

 Can you recognize this person? We were picking apples from our neighbours apple tree.

If you guessed Emma then you were right!
Poor girl was holding my ladder at one poin,t and happened to look up just as a large apple let go and smacked her right above her nose on the forehead.
We all got a lot of laughs out of that one. (after we revived Emma that is!)
What beautiful fall weather we have been having!
Love you all,


Anonymous said...

Poor Emma. I hope she wasn't wearing her glasses. That would smart!

When we were on our mission in Kelowna we picked apples in the church orchard. We really enjoyed that. However, we had way beter equipment than you.

Thanks for sharing. Nice to see some traffic on the blog.

Gramma & Grampa

Garth said...

I was thinking of your mission and the fact that you picked apples while you were their.