Sunday, September 30, 2012


Yesterday evening we had the privelege of watching the General Relief Society Meeting up at the church.  I was worried that I would fall asleep as I had spent all day at a class at the quilt shop learning how to make a double wedding ring and was exhausted, but I'm so glad I went as it was very inspiring! Each of the talks seemed to be just what I needed to hear but the thing that stands out most to me was right near the beginning when Sister Linda Burton, our new General Relief Society President, spoke about the atonement.  She said that through the atonement everything that is unjust will be made right.  I had never heard it explained in that particular way before.  I also loved hearing from Henry B. Eyering as he is one of my favorites. It was interesting to me how all of the new presidency's talks seemed to be so well coordinated and I thought they must be a very cohesive unit already in the short time since they have been called. If you would like to watch it, go to Today in our ward, Uncle Brent and Auntie Rocky assisted in a joint R.S./Priesthood meeting which was focused on the new Addictions Recovery Program.  For those that don't know, they are serving in that capacity right now.  It sounds very interesting!  I was glad to get the book to read.  They did a great job! All for now.  Love to everyone! 
Auntie Charlene xxxooo


Anonymous said...

I, too, enjoyed the broadcast. I really liked the speakers sharing their personal experiences. Just shows that everyone has their problems in life no matter what position you hold. So grateful for the atonement and how it can help if we only allow it to.
