Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ability Camp - Week 4

Oh Week number four, you were my Everest!!! This was probably the hardest week here for me. The people I am here with are amazing and truly some of the sweetest people to meet. I am grateful for all their help with Jacey, my dishes, my sick whining, my throw my child at them to run and barf, my blah sick self. THANKS!!!

After my teary goodbye to Gramma and my dad, we busted into week number 4. Jacey had been kind of sniffly and sneezy and I was getting concerned she was getting sick. So I loaded up on some type of organic-y cold medicine for kids which really helped her. I on the other hand was a different case. I started the day after her and was runny nosed, sneezy and a bit coughy. When I get sick, I turn into this sore, mushy baby-esque version of myself. I felt terrible, not to mention still icky pregnant. Needless to say it was a looooong week in the sick department. Everyone here was so sweet, would grab dishes for me, and help with Jacey as much as possible. Sooo very much cared for.

Jacey was a trooper and still went to class and chamber which I wasn't sure she would be ok to do but rocked it as per usual. She was also a class A potty girl. TMI ALERT: She deuced every day in class on the potty and also did either 2 or 3 pee's. PAROUD MOM ALERT!!! She just rocked it, and even though she had some accidents here and there, more in the pots than out which to me screams success. Plus she totally recognized when she did do it in her pants. Sooo I am gonna go ahead and say she rocks the pot. Her walking has really improved. The conductor is having me work on being in front of her rather than behind guiding her hips. She is pretty wobbly and needs constant reminders to step and push her walker, but it is developing and it is so so cool to see her do it. I am beyond excited to think that one day this kid is just going to take off and walk. Her fine motor is also doing much better, she is grasping things more appropriately and working to manipulate them better. Loving it. She is still as nosy as ever, constantly needing to be reminded to "look where she is going instead of where she's been", "quit watching others and get to work", "focus, focus, focus!" hehe I love that about her, although sometimes it makes me want to poke her in the eye.

We had fun as a group this week, cooking together and doing some play dates. We made pom pom's for all the kids to help cheer on the two adults in the stroke program when they did their walking. It was really cute, and the kids loved to cheer for them. Aek and Ruthie were excited to have a cheering squad, even though most of the cheerleaders were trying to eat their pom pom's. Saturday we went to pick up Nanny Bird. We were so excited and talked about it all day. When the time came....Jacey scream cried and clung to my shoulder. It was a bit of a sad reunion, but after a few minutes she got used to the idea that Nanny was here at camp. So they became fast friends and now I am dead to her. Yup, she is all about her nanny....although she can't quite figure out where her Poppy is as they are usually a package deal. Hehe

Getting excited to be done this week and head to Newfoundland. Excited to see family and reconnect...then off to see my hubby. Oh how I miss that guy. Love him and am proud of him letting us go for another long spell. He tells me he misses his ladies often. Thank goodness for Skype. Anyways that is all that is new, glad to have nanny and company, excited to be done. Love you all, Alyson and Jacey


Anonymous said...

We love your updates, Al. You and Jacey have done great. I'm glad that Nanny Bird is there for the rest of the time. Hopefully your sicky will be over soon. Maybe with Nanny there you can get more rest and it will help the sick feeling.

Good for Jacey - We are proud of her efforts.
Enjoy Newfoundland.
Gramma & Grampa

Garth said...

Yayyy! almost done!! Good for Jacey, it sounds like she has progressed sooo much. Love you all! Have fun in Newfoundland

Love Janene and Garth