Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jacey at Camp Week 2 Finito!!!

Well another week has passed at good ol' ability camp. Not a crazy week but a busy week none the less. Leslie headed home on Saturday night and enjoyed a night in Toronto all by herself to veg out after hanging with us two crazy girls for a week. Jacey and I were all by ourselves. Poor kid, me being sick has made for not the most patient. And adding in her CARAZY 5:30 wake ups has made me contemplate some serious eye poking...alas I haven't and won't but I have put serious thought into it.

Jacey is doing really well in class. Working hard, and really having fun with her little friends. She is especially close to another girl, Kaley, who was with us in our very first session in April. Kaley adores Jacey and is constantly trying to "baby" her. I am unsure if it is because Jacey crawls lots, or her bibs or what but she is often trying to have her back up onto her lap or petting her hair and back. She also is an adamant remover of objects from Jacey's mouth. She is from a french family and is often telling Jacey, " Non Bouche!", which means, not in your mouth. hehe It is hilarious and I am hoping maybe another language will help Jacey understand that it is not ok. They do EVERYTHING together, eat, play, watch shows together and Kaley's mom is helping by doing our dives with Jacey for me. So she rocks and Kaley even in there is trying to adjust Jacey's hood and things to make sure she is comfortable hehe. So fun for Jacey to have a friend, it gives me hope that school will not be so hard and that she will attract some little friends.

There are three moms who are rotating cooking so that we can have a break every couple days and it is working out lovely. I love that the smells in the kitchen aren't a constant iffy matter for me. Also the fun, different meals are great! Jacey has never been so adventurous with her meals, so proud! I have also been able to make sure I get some sleep in`s going on. Once Jacey is in class and I don`t need to be in for the day I head back to bed for another couple hours and it helps to calm my tummy. I am really enjoying these little times which allow me to "pamper" myself at ability camp. (For those who know what ability camp looks like, you would not believe the pamper comment) hehe For the love, this place is a beaut!

This weekend the mommies decided that no one wanted to cook and we needed to get outta here before we all went stir crazy in the second week. Sooo there was a tiny little fair in town. When I mean tiny, I mean tiny. There are probably like 100 people in Milford and so the fair had a little petting zoo of 5-6 animals, a farmers market-esque table set up where people sold goods, some live music and a couple snack trucks. Another awesome feature was a fake cow complete with an udder and bucket. You could milk a holstein cow and it shot out into the bucket and you got a sticker that read "I milked a cow". Yup, country or what?!? So funny. It was a fun 40 minutes of time killing and then we headed into town and got some food at a diner and it was a nice day. The kids enjoyed getting out and the mom's enjoyed being away from camp. The next day a few of us moms ventured out to a place called Little Bluff, a cute little rocky shore near the water. We packed a picnic and headed out at the insistance of one mom. She had been there before and was telling us how great it was. We got there and she had neglected to tell us that there was a hike of death! No joke, a steep, rocky, no stroller, Alyson wearing terrible flip flop death trap. The other mom is shorter and tinier than I am and has a little man who outweighs Jacey by 2. Soooo we both hummed and hawed about going down this trail to the water. The other mom was like "no worries I can carry them all, no problem." It was a problem. Anyways so we both took a deep breath and headed down, and no one died. It was really pretty and the kids loved throwing rocks in the water. The hike back up was deadly and I had to warn everyone that although I was not a smoker, I would develop a smoker's breathing for like 5 minutes and to not be alarmed!! hehe Anyways, we all lived and the kids had fun.

That wraps up our lovely second week. We are flying through it, I think the fact that it is not a ten weeker has really made it speed by. We love you all and appreciate all the thoughts and prayers for us. Take care and know that we miss you. - Alyson and Jacey


Anonymous said...

You're almost half way, Al! So good to hear that you're able to sneak in a bit of a snooze and I'm glad to hear that the Mom's are taking turns cooking. That should make it easier for everyone. Maybe you can get your gramma to cook a few extra days and after she leaves you can take an extra day or two off.
Hugs to you and Jacey. So good to hear Jacey is enjoying camp. What a special little trooper!

Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

The Stannix's said...

Sounds like things are going good! Glad the smells aren't bothering you too much. You guys are awesome! Look forward to seeing you when you get back.
The Stannix fam