Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Finally Home

Here is an Easton update

Easton basking under the lights

Snooze time

 Proud Grandma

Easton came home with his mom and dad on Tuesday, Easton is doing well.
He is the cutest little fellow, very content and quiet.
We are glad he is home now.

Love Troy and Nancy

Friday, October 26, 2012

Ballerina Dreams

Jacey and Amelia have become ballerinas, so darling right?! 
They just started a ballet class together and it is sooooo sweet.  The program is called Ballerina Dreams and is run through the Cerebral Palsy Association.  The program is so great in that each student receives a personal mentor to assist with movement.  It is super cool!!!   The group is diverse and beautiful.  Mia's mentor is named Tia... my girl loves HER ran up when we got to class last week and gave a big hug kind of love!  Goodness they look so cute in their outfits.  They even have a recital before Christmas. 
Miss Stella wanted in on the dancing action too.
 Sure do love these girls!!

(Mom said I should share these pics, enjoy!)
~ Jenny

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Easton update:
Today he came off of his i.v.'s ....still on cpap breathing machine and feeding tube. He is eating mommy milk and out of his incubator! So big steps forward but probably a good 7-10 more days in n.i.c.u. if all keeps going good. He is a feisty little all his nurses a hard time :) Definitely our child!
 The update was from yesterday....this is the pic from cpap but still have the feeding tub....... making progress

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mom and Dad
Getting to Hold Easton
for the first time

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hello Family,

At last, I'm going to be a blogger by posting something to this great site. I've enjoyed so many items that all of you have submitted. What a happening family!!!

Welcome Easton!  We are praying for you!!

I was sending this special list of things for preparedness for Janene but thought perhaps more would enjoy it.  I've made the soap but haven't tested it yet.  It only takes about 2 tablespoons for a load of laundry.  The toilet was going on a hunting trip with Scott this fall as a back-up.  Fortunately, it is still unused.  But I'm sure it will be broken in sometime in the future.  The manual washer is pretty cool.  I'm sure the plunger will be more effective washing clothes than unplugging a toilet!  Let's hope that we don't ever have to use these items but it is comforting to know that we have portable washers and toilets and can even make our own detergent.  Enjoy!

Auntie Sylvia

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Easton Update
Sun Oct 21/2012

Baby Update:
I just want to first start off by saying we are blessed to have such great nurses and doctors in N.I.C.U. at Tacoma General. You see it on the movies and T.V. the bond between families of the babies and the nurses/doctors but to actually now be our daily life of being a N.I.C.U. family, we are so gracious for their expertise and nurturing love they are giving our baby. Not many people will ever feel the hollowness of giving birth and not be able to hold or bring home their baby with them but to instead leave your child in the hands of "strangers", is not easy. But now that these "strangers" know us by our first names, have us on speed dial and have become a part of our family in such a short time, I can breath and know at the end of the day when we leave the N.I.C.U. to go home and rest.... our baby is in wonderful hands.
Last night Easton's oxygen levels came way down and they decided to put him back on the ventilator, a breathing t
ube down his throat to go along with his feeding tube and i.v. Through out today, he did stay stable and was able to be calm with some sedation on and off as well. The high light of the day was when we were changing his fluids with the nurse, Easton looked over at us and opened his eyes for the first time since he was born! That was our sign our little one knew we were there and was telling us to be strong! My tears were pouring out! We left late this evening with the goal to have him off the ventilator tomorrow to give his lungs another try on their own. The doctor also said he would probably be doing a couple days of "sun tanning" due to his jaundice. His nurse Megan says he looks very festive with his orangey/red skin to go along with halloween! Our lil' punkin! So until tomorrow, we hope his O2 levels stay stable over night. Thanks to everyone for all their thoughts and prayers!
Easton Up date

We need all of our families strength and prayer.
Here are actual up dates from Pat and Katie
Baby seems to be rallying but has had more problems

Update last night
Easton update.....staying stable in his little incubator...breathing thru his first mommy milk feeding thru his feeding keeping strong and eating. Had to be sedated after we left to calm him down to keep his O2 levels stable. Now he is contently sleeping. Mommy and daddy are happy but exhausted! Loves to our sweet Easton!
Up date this morning
Later that night at 1:45 am Easton wasn't doing that well and they intubated  him again and sedated him. Grandma and I were wondering if we could have a family fast for Easton we could with all our prayers help him along

Love Always Auntie Nancy & Uncle Troy 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Easton Spencer Hudkins
5Lbs 12oz 18inches
Arrived at 5:35am Oct 18, 
@ 34 weeks

Patrick and Katie would like to share the early arrival of there son Easton.

Easton arrived in the early hours then was taken to Tacoma General several hours later where they have a n.i.c.u. Mom had to stay behind and should be released today some time. Patrick took the hour drive and stayed with Easton. As Easton has arrived so early his lungs were not quite ready so he was in need of some assistants breathing. They have him hooked up in order to help him breath and eat.
Here are a few pictures we would like to share.
I am sure when able to Patrick and Katie will post themselves, as for now grandma and pa get to share!
Love Auntie Nancy & Uncle Troy

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cartwright Fam Pics

For the enjoyment of grandparents and great grandparents :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Missionary work going forward!

Janene and I are currently in Salt Lake City and were fortunate enough to have tickets for the Saturday morning session. It was coool to hear our Prophet anounce that the age for Young men to serve is now 18yrs and Young women is now 19yrs. Janene leaned over to me and said, "Wow Arland would be home by now had he left at 18"!

The second session we did not have tickets for but we were able to watch it from the old Tabernacle. we sat in the bleachers and watched on the big screen TV. It was pretty cool, wooden benches and a bit hard on the butt, still a pleasure to be there to watch!

Love you all,
Garth and Janene

Friday, October 5, 2012

To Brighten Your Day...

Everyone needs a good belly laugh every now and then!
Charlene xo

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kids Forever Quilt

This is a quilt that my momma (Charlene) made for the organization KIDS FOREVER.  They are the group that adopted Jacey last year as a child they would help support.  Each child that they adopt will receive a handmade quilt, so my mom donated this one.  They started out with one child a year and later this month at their annual event they will adopt seventeen!!!!!  They will be helping seventeen children acquire services, equipment or support that would otherwise have been a challenge for their families to attain.  Amazing right?!
 It is in part, because of their generous donation that Jacey is at camp again right now!  What they do is beautiful and Christlike!  THERE IS CERTAINLY GOOD IN THE WORLD and this group is evidence of that.
Hugs ~ Jenny