Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hello Family,

At last, I'm going to be a blogger by posting something to this great site. I've enjoyed so many items that all of you have submitted. What a happening family!!!

Welcome Easton!  We are praying for you!!

I was sending this special list of things for preparedness for Janene but thought perhaps more would enjoy it.  I've made the soap but haven't tested it yet.  It only takes about 2 tablespoons for a load of laundry.  The toilet was going on a hunting trip with Scott this fall as a back-up.  Fortunately, it is still unused.  But I'm sure it will be broken in sometime in the future.  The manual washer is pretty cool.  I'm sure the plunger will be more effective washing clothes than unplugging a toilet!  Let's hope that we don't ever have to use these items but it is comforting to know that we have portable washers and toilets and can even make our own detergent.  Enjoy!

Auntie Sylvia


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sylvia. I especially like the soap idea. I remember helping my mother make the old fashioned lye soap when I was a kid. She used to make it in an old washtub.

Good to hear from you. Keep on posting.

polischuk said...

Super cool! Totally adding this to my 'Preparedness Folder'...I am kinda waiting for a calling to kick me into action and actually do more. Thanks!!

Garth said...

Thanks for Blogging Sylvia! Cool ideas.