Saturday, October 6, 2012

Missionary work going forward!

Janene and I are currently in Salt Lake City and were fortunate enough to have tickets for the Saturday morning session. It was coool to hear our Prophet anounce that the age for Young men to serve is now 18yrs and Young women is now 19yrs. Janene leaned over to me and said, "Wow Arland would be home by now had he left at 18"!

The second session we did not have tickets for but we were able to watch it from the old Tabernacle. we sat in the bleachers and watched on the big screen TV. It was pretty cool, wooden benches and a bit hard on the butt, still a pleasure to be there to watch!

Love you all,
Garth and Janene


Anonymous said...

Lucky you! Our cable did not come through on time so we watched on the internet. Nice that Brent brought us a LARGE monitor just a few days ago. We also got to watch the press conference held in the church office building after the morning session regarding the change in age. Very interesting. You gotta love modern technology.

We enjoyed all the speakers. Looking forward to tomorrow.
Thanks for the posting and the pictures.
Enjoy your stay in SLC
Gramma & Grampa

The Stannix's said...

Glad you guys are having fun! I think it's neat that Camilla and Hyrum could potentially be out at the same time now! Crazy! Stay safe. Love ya!
The Stannix Fam

The Hudkins Family said...

When I went to General Conference with Mom over twenty years ago, there was only sit in the tabernacle! They are hard seats! Looked for you guys but didn't happen to see you - haha
Charlene xo

The Hudkins Family said...

We'd love to go to Conference again. I'm very envious. We were in the Tabernacle almost 20 years ago. TIME TO GO AGAIN. Thanks for sharing.

Uncle Brent