Sunday, October 21, 2012

Easton Up date

We need all of our families strength and prayer.
Here are actual up dates from Pat and Katie
Baby seems to be rallying but has had more problems

Update last night
Easton update.....staying stable in his little incubator...breathing thru his first mommy milk feeding thru his feeding keeping strong and eating. Had to be sedated after we left to calm him down to keep his O2 levels stable. Now he is contently sleeping. Mommy and daddy are happy but exhausted! Loves to our sweet Easton!
Up date this morning
Later that night at 1:45 am Easton wasn't doing that well and they intubated  him again and sedated him. Grandma and I were wondering if we could have a family fast for Easton we could with all our prayers help him along

Love Always Auntie Nancy & Uncle Troy 


The Hudkins Family said...

Will definitely do the fasting and praying. Hope he's not in much pain.

Uncle Brent

Jon and Alyson said...

Oh Patrick and Katie, our thoughts are with you guys. Stay strong and know our family loves you! We will definitely be included in the family fast tomorrow and our prayers and thoughts are with you guys and baby Easton. He is indeed a special spirit! Know that he is in the right place with the right people to care for him. Love you!!
- The Bird Family (Jon, Alyson, Jacey and Helicopter #2)

Hudkins Family said...

There is great power in prayer and fasting, we will be taking part in this effort. Love you all and if we are united then miracles can happen!

Love Garth, Janene and Emma