Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kids Forever Quilt

This is a quilt that my momma (Charlene) made for the organization KIDS FOREVER.  They are the group that adopted Jacey last year as a child they would help support.  Each child that they adopt will receive a handmade quilt, so my mom donated this one.  They started out with one child a year and later this month at their annual event they will adopt seventeen!!!!!  They will be helping seventeen children acquire services, equipment or support that would otherwise have been a challenge for their families to attain.  Amazing right?!
 It is in part, because of their generous donation that Jacey is at camp again right now!  What they do is beautiful and Christlike!  THERE IS CERTAINLY GOOD IN THE WORLD and this group is evidence of that.
Hugs ~ Jenny


Jon and Alyson said...

Love the quilt mom! We are so so sad to not be able to attend the Fundraiser this year. Jon and I were bummed, but so glad that you were able to donate and be involved. I just emailed them our news about camp for a third time! Crazy to think of the sweetness of them. There is indeed good in the world today! -

Anonymous said...

The quilt is beautiful, Charlene. I love the colours. Good for you for donating. They are a worthy group to be supporting.
Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

What they do is so awesome, the main organizer told me that almost every year they help at least one child to get an insulin pump. I think great-gramma would have loved that. It would not be nice to be a kid and be diagnosed with diabetes and then to have to have needles multiple times daily!