Sunday, October 21, 2012

Easton Update
Sun Oct 21/2012

Baby Update:
I just want to first start off by saying we are blessed to have such great nurses and doctors in N.I.C.U. at Tacoma General. You see it on the movies and T.V. the bond between families of the babies and the nurses/doctors but to actually now be our daily life of being a N.I.C.U. family, we are so gracious for their expertise and nurturing love they are giving our baby. Not many people will ever feel the hollowness of giving birth and not be able to hold or bring home their baby with them but to instead leave your child in the hands of "strangers", is not easy. But now that these "strangers" know us by our first names, have us on speed dial and have become a part of our family in such a short time, I can breath and know at the end of the day when we leave the N.I.C.U. to go home and rest.... our baby is in wonderful hands.
Last night Easton's oxygen levels came way down and they decided to put him back on the ventilator, a breathing t
ube down his throat to go along with his feeding tube and i.v. Through out today, he did stay stable and was able to be calm with some sedation on and off as well. The high light of the day was when we were changing his fluids with the nurse, Easton looked over at us and opened his eyes for the first time since he was born! That was our sign our little one knew we were there and was telling us to be strong! My tears were pouring out! We left late this evening with the goal to have him off the ventilator tomorrow to give his lungs another try on their own. The doctor also said he would probably be doing a couple days of "sun tanning" due to his jaundice. His nurse Megan says he looks very festive with his orangey/red skin to go along with halloween! Our lil' punkin! So until tomorrow, we hope his O2 levels stay stable over night. Thanks to everyone for all their thoughts and prayers!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. You are all continually in our prayers.
Love you,
Gramma & Grampa

Hudkins Family said...

We are also thonkful for the update!! Our prayers are with your family!

Uncle Garth and Auntie Janene

Jon and Alyson said...

Patrick and Katie, my mom is unable to post on her computer right now and asked I pass on a message. She said the Hinko family is thinking of you guys and praying all is well. Love you (from her but also us hehe) Charlene, Louis and Mikey