Friday, October 26, 2012

Ballerina Dreams

Jacey and Amelia have become ballerinas, so darling right?! 
They just started a ballet class together and it is sooooo sweet.  The program is called Ballerina Dreams and is run through the Cerebral Palsy Association.  The program is so great in that each student receives a personal mentor to assist with movement.  It is super cool!!!   The group is diverse and beautiful.  Mia's mentor is named Tia... my girl loves HER ran up when we got to class last week and gave a big hug kind of love!  Goodness they look so cute in their outfits.  They even have a recital before Christmas. 
Miss Stella wanted in on the dancing action too.
 Sure do love these girls!!

(Mom said I should share these pics, enjoy!)
~ Jenny


Garth said...

Welllll, budding ballerinas in the family! How cool is that. The girls look like they are having the time of their lives! And they do look really cute in their outfits!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!Good for the cerebral palsy association and good for you girls for taking advantage of the classes. Will the recital be in the daytime?
Gramma & Grampa