Monday, September 29, 2008

Family Pics

Hey guys,
Took some family pictures and thought we would share them!
Love you all lots!
Addie and Mike

Monday, September 22, 2008

Grampa's Eyes

We just came from seeing the Dr. and he confirmed that Grampa will need cornea transplants. Both eyes. He will do the right one first. So...Grampa has been placed on a donor list. He said it would probably be at least a year. They'll do the right one, and when they know it is completely healed, (approx. 3 to 6 months) they'll do the left. He said that they were badly in need of donors. (I've had my donor card signed for a long time!) - have you?

Reminds me of a joke Great Grampa Hudkins used to tell about the farmer who was trying to sell a blind horse. He told the potential buyer "She's a good horse, she just don't look so good."

We really enjoyed last weekend and are now looking forward to general conference.

Love you all very much,

Baby showers and Blessings

I realize that I just posted a few days ago but this one has pics and actual stories hehe

Saturday was Les and my joint baby shower thrown by our awesome sis Jenny. It was too cute! The theme was Nursery Rhymes and had awesome snacks tied in and fun games provided by gramma and Jen. It was soo busy, tons of people came. You know your loved...or else that you have cute kids! hehe Les and I cashed out, couldn't believe it. It was sure nice to get to spend time with our family and see everyone. What a special clan we do have!

Sunday was Jacey's blessing and again it was nice to have family there. Jon's family was there too which was special to have them experience this. Grampa Hudkins blessed her...classic! It was funny, at the beginning I realized, as did most of our family that there was a baby who was sure crying. All of our mutual thoughts were 'somebody take that baby out', when we realized after a minute that it was Jacey screeching into the microphone! Funny, how all our family thought it was someone else. Anyways I was watching the blessing and poor grandpa trying to readjust her or move her to quiet her and watching all the bishoprics' hands shifting wherever grandpa moved Jacey. hehe too funny, one councillor was trying to jiggle her suckey into her mouth and the other one kept checking over grandpa's shoulder if she was breathing ok. I've never seen a busier blessing. Poor guys!

We all went for grub at Jen's house, she cooked home-made taco shells for the whole family!!! Delish! We got some great family pictures of Jacey with her blessing dress on. It is a special dress made out of Grandma's, my moms and Jenny's wedding dresses. Beautiful!

Promise I'm almost done, just wanted to write about Jacey and Kingston's (Les's bump) playdates. They have had a few. The first one was a few weeks ago. Les was laying on the floor with Jacey on her tummy, when Kingston started to kick her in the head. Jacey's head would bounch up and down and she started to smile while she slept. Little secrets between them I guess! Also on Saturday morning Les had Jacey's bum pressed against her belly when Kingston started to kick it and she had this huge grin and chuckle in her sleep, too cute! They must remember each other from heaven...she's probably telling him to run while he still can before jumping into the Hudkins clan hehe Anyways we'll run now, just wanted to share. Hope all's well with everyone. We love you lots! Love: Jon, Alyson and Jacey

Friday, September 19, 2008

Jacey's Blessing

Hey family, hope that everything is great with everyone! I thought I would come on here and write a little note about Jacey's blessing. Since it is the joint baby shower for Les and I, we thought we would do the blessing this weekend as well. Anyone who will be in Edmonton or more specifically Ft. Saskatchewan is more than welcome to come and be there with us. Sacrament starts at 10 am and then after we are eating at Jen's place. I know a few of you will be there which will be special.

Jacey, Jon and I are doing great. Jacey is slowly readjusting her nighttimes to be more beneficial for Mommy!! hehe Some nights I can sleep for 4-5 hours straight...but others are like a welcoming committee every hour or so. Hopefully it will get there. Good ol' Jon just reaches over and rubs my back for 5 secs before falling back asleep. Gee, hope we don't keep him up! (This is my most sarcastic voice right here) =) It is sure nice living with Jen and Graham too. Jenny is such a help. When I am about ready to sell Jacey, Jenny steps in, convinces me not to and takes her for a little while. Graham seems almost in love with her and she sure likes to sit and cuddle with him. Must be the mellow guy vibes that him and Jon give off!

Anyways hope that everyone is doing great. We sure miss everyone. Take care, Love you!
Love: Jon, Alyson and Jacey

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hey Hudkins family!!!

This is Brandon and I would like to make an announcement.

I met a wonderful women who has taken my breath away and my heart. Her name is Barb and we have been together for half a year and I have asked her to marry me... she said "YES"- Lord help me in my hour of need! Now I have to get this ball rolling! I know I have not posted anything on this site, and this must be a surprise to all of you. I love you all. Barb and I will check up on the family site more often and keep you updated on the wedding and the milestones in our life. A for sure thing is that we have decided on getting married on May 23rd of 2009. As I have said we will keep everyone up to par on everything very soon.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Seriously guys, with our family getting so big.....we REALLY need to have another family reunion!!! haha
Love, Addie

The Stannix's

Hey family!
It's been so exciting to come on here and see so many posts!! Congrats to everyone. It's soo exciting to see so many new engagements! Baby Jacey is adorable! The pics are great, keep it up! ;)
Not much is new with us. We started school last week and are already bogged down with homework and projects and studying, but it's fun! Mike is starting his second year in the commerce program and working towards becoming an accountant. Law has become a new interest of his and he is debating doing business law or something along those lines. I started my second year working towards my Bachelor of Education. With school, part time jobs, institute and church callings we have been keeping very busy! I have been subbing a lot in primary playing piano and teaching sharing time. It's been a blast!! A few sundays ago I taught the 16-18 yr old sunday school class! It was fun, except some of those kids were in my trek groups and stuff!!! (weird). Mike is teaching Elders quorum and loves it!!

We love you all lots!

The Stannix family

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Oh, I almost forgot

You'll find this at the Anstey-Hunakwa Provincial Park.
The Name Says It All.
'nuf said!

Houeboat vacation

We beached the houseboat and enjoyed a hike to Margaret falls. Then the kids played on the beach.

Everyone enjoyed the Yamaha VX 110's. I even got Roxanne to ride by herself, she did real good.

When the kids are in bed, the adults have some quiet time.
The Kids really enjoyed the park at Sicamoose. They sure kicked up a stink and cried when we left it.

Heres a video to enjoy, Kristina and Chelsea are on the tube and Jordan is driving. It sure sounds fun.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Update from Aaron & Chelsey!!

Hello everyone!! It's been a while since we have been on the blog.. Very busy in Fort Mac! We just recently bought a house in Red Deer and will be moving there the first weekend in October! We are very excited and can't wait! Except for the part about Aaron commuting :(

We also just got engaged on our trip to BC!! Aaron proposed in the Enchanted Forest just outside of Revelstoke! We are so happy and can't wait to start planning our wedding once we get settled in our new home!

The houseboating trip was a blast! We all enjoyed it very much even though the weather wasn't the greatest. We rented two sea-doos which everyone had fun on. The kids did not want to go home. Their most favorite thing about the trip was the hot tub.. haha.

Hope everyone is doing well! And a BIG congrats to Alyson & Jon!! Jacey is absolutely beautiful! I bet you guys are awsome parents. We can't wait to meet her!! Also a congrats to Cassidy & Janiene on their engagement!


Aaron & Chelsey


Saturday, September 6, 2008

More Jacey...enough already eh?

Hehe We just love her lots and like to pass on info about her. The new update...Jacey is home!! Were so excited that she has been home for almost a whole week. She was released from the Grey Nuns last Sunday diagnosed with Periodic Apnea. Meaning her brain wasn't telling her lungs to breathe properly. She is on treatment of Caffeine once a day for a month, which will help her stimulate and remember to breathe. It will also help her to outgrow it by that time with no long term effects. Geez, barely 2 weeks old and breaking the word of wisdom already =) It is such a new and exciting experience to mother her and be responsible for her all the time. Luckily "Fanty" Jenny is here to help out and hold her lots! Jon is also great...probably should have mentioned the father before the aunty hehe Anyways will leave some room for others to write because there is ridiculous news going on in the Hudkins clan. However, I will leave some pics of the little lady for you all! Take care and love you lots! Love: Alyson, Jon and Jacey PIC QUOTES: Sock hands, attitude central, squishy face, making bird lips at daddy and finally milk junkie hat

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Try These Cookies

Hi Everyone,
The blog has been so quiet for such a very long time that I decided to share another recipe. When I opened the blog I was pleased to see Cassidy and Jeanine's input. Babies, engagements, and probably wedding plans - how will Grampa and I ever keep track of it all! Life is exciting! Life is good! Baby Jacey is coming to visit this afternoon. What more can a great-grandparent ask for.

Here is a recipe I thought I would share with you. I got it in 1986 from a staff member at Westwood but never tried it until the other day. It is quite unusual because it takes so few ingredients. No eggs! These cookies are very much like granola bars - only better. The addition of vanilla and salt is my doing. I like the taste. They're way too healthy for Grampa's liking but he eats them anyway.

The recipe makes a very large batch. I halved it and got 6 dozen cookies. Here is the full recipe:

AGGRESSIVE COOKIES (interesting name)

3 cups brown sugar )
3 cups margarine ) cream together until really nice and creamy
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. salt
3 cups flour
6 cups oatmeal
1 Tbsp. Baking soda

Mix all very well. If dough seems crumbly, kneed it with your hands. That worked well for me.
Roll into walnut size balls, then roll in white sugar & place on greased cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 for about 10 - 12 minutes or until edges seem to be a little golden.

Note: I found that I had to let them cool for a minute or two before removing from the cookie sheet with a spatula otherwise they crumbled on me. Once they were cold they stayed together really well.

Grampa & I are doing well. The Employment Center is closed until further notice because of being short staffed. They are in the process of calling more workers. With the extra time off, Betty & I went to Pincher Creek to visit Auntie Erna. Had a really nice time. They are both Scrabble nuts. I did not too badly at scrabble THANKS TO THEIR HELP! We had a nice time together. This was our second annual sisters get-together. It is very special to be with my two sisters.

Hope to have more traffic on the blog.

Love you all,

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hello to all from Cassidy and Jeanine. It has been a little bit since we have said hi to everyone on here so we thought since we are officially engaged, that this would be a good time to say hi and announce this to everyone. We have not picked a date yet, but we were excited to get the ring and wanted to show everyone. so here it is.
Love you all,
Cassidy and Jeanine