Monday, September 22, 2008

Grampa's Eyes

We just came from seeing the Dr. and he confirmed that Grampa will need cornea transplants. Both eyes. He will do the right one first. So...Grampa has been placed on a donor list. He said it would probably be at least a year. They'll do the right one, and when they know it is completely healed, (approx. 3 to 6 months) they'll do the left. He said that they were badly in need of donors. (I've had my donor card signed for a long time!) - have you?

Reminds me of a joke Great Grampa Hudkins used to tell about the farmer who was trying to sell a blind horse. He told the potential buyer "She's a good horse, she just don't look so good."

We really enjoyed last weekend and are now looking forward to general conference.

Love you all very much,


The Hudkins Family said...

Well, I guess that it its good news of a sort to have surgery to look forward to, but it is sure amazing what they can do now. I am going to sign my donor card as well. Dad, you should go on the blog sometime - if I can figure it out, so can you!!!
Love you both,

Jon and Alyson said...

Gramma/Gramps, That is great that grampa can be on a list to share someone's body parts!! hehe Jon and I have had our cards signed for a long time. Something truly special that you can do for another person. We sure do love you guys, grampa I'll be your eyes for you like I was for gramma a long time ago...remember?!? =) Love Alyson, and the other two