Saturday, September 6, 2008

More Jacey...enough already eh?

Hehe We just love her lots and like to pass on info about her. The new update...Jacey is home!! Were so excited that she has been home for almost a whole week. She was released from the Grey Nuns last Sunday diagnosed with Periodic Apnea. Meaning her brain wasn't telling her lungs to breathe properly. She is on treatment of Caffeine once a day for a month, which will help her stimulate and remember to breathe. It will also help her to outgrow it by that time with no long term effects. Geez, barely 2 weeks old and breaking the word of wisdom already =) It is such a new and exciting experience to mother her and be responsible for her all the time. Luckily "Fanty" Jenny is here to help out and hold her lots! Jon is also great...probably should have mentioned the father before the aunty hehe Anyways will leave some room for others to write because there is ridiculous news going on in the Hudkins clan. However, I will leave some pics of the little lady for you all! Take care and love you lots! Love: Alyson, Jon and Jacey PIC QUOTES: Sock hands, attitude central, squishy face, making bird lips at daddy and finally milk junkie hat


The Hudkins Family said...

Thanks for the pictures. Love to see them. She is a beautiful little girl. Glad you both have alot of help. Glad she is home and doing well. Miss you guys lots. Keep the pictures coming.
Auntie Nancy

The Hudkins Family said...

I am so glad she is home with you both! She sure is beautiful. Enjoy her while she is little (they grow up so fast)

Love Garth and Janene

The Hudkins Family said...

So I know you don't know me yet, it's Jeanine (the other one) at least our names are spelled different. Jacey is adorable! You need to change your profile picture so she's in it. Congrats!

Love, Jeanine and Cassidy

The Hudkins Family said...

Congrats guys, from Aaron Chelsey and Brooke. Cute girl, we wish you guys the best.