Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hey Hudkins family!!!

This is Brandon and I would like to make an announcement.

I met a wonderful women who has taken my breath away and my heart. Her name is Barb and we have been together for half a year and I have asked her to marry me... she said "YES"- Lord help me in my hour of need! Now I have to get this ball rolling! I know I have not posted anything on this site, and this must be a surprise to all of you. I love you all. Barb and I will check up on the family site more often and keep you updated on the wedding and the milestones in our life. A for sure thing is that we have decided on getting married on May 23rd of 2009. As I have said we will keep everyone up to par on everything very soon.


The Hudkins Family said...

Congratulations Brandon & Barb. You look like a happy couple. We will calendar in May 23rd.

We look forward to your updates. It's good to have you on the blog.

Gramma & Grampa

The Hudkins Family said...

well...good news just keeps pouring in on the blog. Congratulations
Brandon and Barb! We all look forward to hearing from you both in the future. The blog is sure a great way to keep the family updated on all our wonderful news.

God Bless
Love Garth and Janene and family

The Hudkins Family said...

Congrats, congrats!!! Brandon, you sound Barb you must be great!!!! Can't wait to meet your gang. We are very excited for you!

Love ya ~Jenny & Graham

The Hudkins Family said...

Brandon and Barb:
Congratulations to you both!!
That is sure good news. I hope that the next time you bring Barb and the family up to Fort Mac that we will be able to meet you all.
Just remember to phone as sometimes it is several days before I turn on the computer!
All our best,
Louis and Charlene