Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby showers and Blessings

I realize that I just posted a few days ago but this one has pics and actual stories hehe

Saturday was Les and my joint baby shower thrown by our awesome sis Jenny. It was too cute! The theme was Nursery Rhymes and had awesome snacks tied in and fun games provided by gramma and Jen. It was soo busy, tons of people came. You know your loved...or else that you have cute kids! hehe Les and I cashed out, couldn't believe it. It was sure nice to get to spend time with our family and see everyone. What a special clan we do have!

Sunday was Jacey's blessing and again it was nice to have family there. Jon's family was there too which was special to have them experience this. Grampa Hudkins blessed her...classic! It was funny, at the beginning I realized, as did most of our family that there was a baby who was sure crying. All of our mutual thoughts were 'somebody take that baby out', when we realized after a minute that it was Jacey screeching into the microphone! Funny, how all our family thought it was someone else. Anyways I was watching the blessing and poor grandpa trying to readjust her or move her to quiet her and watching all the bishoprics' hands shifting wherever grandpa moved Jacey. hehe too funny, one councillor was trying to jiggle her suckey into her mouth and the other one kept checking over grandpa's shoulder if she was breathing ok. I've never seen a busier blessing. Poor guys!

We all went for grub at Jen's house, she cooked home-made taco shells for the whole family!!! Delish! We got some great family pictures of Jacey with her blessing dress on. It is a special dress made out of Grandma's, my moms and Jenny's wedding dresses. Beautiful!

Promise I'm almost done, just wanted to write about Jacey and Kingston's (Les's bump) playdates. They have had a few. The first one was a few weeks ago. Les was laying on the floor with Jacey on her tummy, when Kingston started to kick her in the head. Jacey's head would bounch up and down and she started to smile while she slept. Little secrets between them I guess! Also on Saturday morning Les had Jacey's bum pressed against her belly when Kingston started to kick it and she had this huge grin and chuckle in her sleep, too cute! They must remember each other from heaven...she's probably telling him to run while he still can before jumping into the Hudkins clan hehe Anyways we'll run now, just wanted to share. Hope all's well with everyone. We love you lots! Love: Jon, Alyson and Jacey


The Hudkins Family said...

I was sure looking forward to being at the shower and blessing. Sorry I couldn't attend. It looks like I missed a great party! You all look fantastic! Take care of each other!

Love to all,
Auntie Roxanne

The Hudkins Family said...

I agree, everything was perfect. Jacey just bounced from arm to arm. Her feet 'never hit the ground' so to speak.
Thank you to Jenny for all she did. The Tacos were exceptionally good. I had two and Grampa pigged out on FOUR!
It was fun to be with all the family and to get to know Jon's family better.


The Hudkins Family said...

Those pictures are way cute! I love the story about the play dates! hilarious!! haha Can't wait to see you guys!