Friday, September 19, 2008

Jacey's Blessing

Hey family, hope that everything is great with everyone! I thought I would come on here and write a little note about Jacey's blessing. Since it is the joint baby shower for Les and I, we thought we would do the blessing this weekend as well. Anyone who will be in Edmonton or more specifically Ft. Saskatchewan is more than welcome to come and be there with us. Sacrament starts at 10 am and then after we are eating at Jen's place. I know a few of you will be there which will be special.

Jacey, Jon and I are doing great. Jacey is slowly readjusting her nighttimes to be more beneficial for Mommy!! hehe Some nights I can sleep for 4-5 hours straight...but others are like a welcoming committee every hour or so. Hopefully it will get there. Good ol' Jon just reaches over and rubs my back for 5 secs before falling back asleep. Gee, hope we don't keep him up! (This is my most sarcastic voice right here) =) It is sure nice living with Jen and Graham too. Jenny is such a help. When I am about ready to sell Jacey, Jenny steps in, convinces me not to and takes her for a little while. Graham seems almost in love with her and she sure likes to sit and cuddle with him. Must be the mellow guy vibes that him and Jon give off!

Anyways hope that everyone is doing great. We sure miss everyone. Take care, Love you!
Love: Jon, Alyson and Jacey