Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jacey is eating solids...kinda

The first taste....hesitantly

The thinking of gross or not...

The surprised look of delight hehe

Jacey had a little taste of rice cereal last night and this was the process...enjoy the mess!!

More Seattle

Uncle and Jeanine and kidlets

Ferry riding with the little people

Gramma's idea of keeping em' quiet hehe

Jacey and Gramma giving loves

Cousins waiting for a plane

Soooo I could not figure out how to do more than 5 shots....so another post it is!!!

Seattle Visiting

The ladies out on the pier

Pat and Kingston

Pat and Jacey

Aunty and Kingston who is clearly
knocked out

The boys' usual job...thanks guys!

Well were all home and sick....hmmm thanks fam!! hehe Kidding Thought I would post a few funnies from the trip, which was a good time for the little people. Thanks for everything guys! Love ya and miss ya.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pics of Fort Mac

As I promised, Here are some pics of Fort Mac from the air.

You can see the Clearwater river in the forground and the Athabasca in the upper left. Almost at the center is the hospital and the overpass that goes across Hwy 63 and then up to Abasand.

Another picture of Downtown and Abasand on the hill.

This is the Thickwood subdivision.

Timberlea has grown quite a bit.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

from the rockies

Our love and prayers go out to Graham and Jenny, Jennifer and Tom and Ann's Mother. We really enjoyed the video (thank you mom for posting that link). I felt that watching it allowed us to get to know and celebrate Ann's life better. May you all feel the comfort that the plan of salvation can give during this difficult time. With the passing of a loved one it helps to bring things into perspective of how important it is to spend time with family and enjoy the wonderful personalities and qualities that each of us possess.

I have enjoyed reading all the wonderful news on the blog lately. Wow, is our family ever growing. It truly is an exciting time with all the weddings and babies being announced. I can't wait for the next few family reunions. They will sure be a lot of fun!

The Garth Hudkins family are all doing well. We are all healthy and happy and keeping busy. Arland and Emma are both doing well in school and are staying busy with their friends. Janene and I are enjoying our new career and business change at "Everything H2O" and are slowly finding our new routine. It certainly is an adjustment after having had a twenty year routine prior to this major change. We love you all and hope for the best with all!

Love Garth and Janene

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today we attended Graham's Mom's funeral. There were a lot of people in attendance. Obviously Ann was highly regarded. She was a very special lady. My guess is that she had no clue how many lives she touched.

The funeral was beautifully done. A wonderful tribute to a special lady. Jennifer (Graham's sister) and Graham gave a lovely eulogy. You could feel their love for their mom. They also showed a beautiful video of Ann's life. I thought I would share with you the fact that you can view it on line. I just looked at it again. Jenny says that the funeral home looked after putting it together. All they had to do was take the pictures to them. What a wonderful idea.

You can see it at www.mem.com
Just put in the name, Ann Polischuk and then choose the link for movies.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

wedding news!

Hello everyone its been awhile since we had an update! Kids are doing well keisha just turned 5!! She is growing up so fast, she also got her ears priced such a big girl, austin is growing like a weed! He's such a boy. Were on wedding mode! Its july 18, and invites will be out soonish. Were all booked got the people we need for our big day! Kristina is going this weekend to look and hopeful find "The dress" sounds like this summer is going to be busy with all these weddings on the go! Wedding fever! Take care! Keep everyone posted!
Love jordan kristina and kids

Monday, January 19, 2009


Yes! Gramma is home and back at it again!
We had a wonderful time with our Bremerton family. They played us out, but it was super enjoyable. We got home this evening. Our flight home was a gong show but we made it. Grampa doesn't like flying but he is a survivor, so next time you see him give him a big pat on the back. He earned it!

Just a little update on Graham's mom's funeral. It will be held this Thursday, January 22 at 2:00 PM at the Memories Funeral Home. The address is 13403 St. Albert Trail.

In case any of you would like to send a card to Ann's Mom, her name and address is:
Joan Lorincz
5981 - 189 St. NW
Edmonton AB
T6M 2J1

I can't even imagine how difficult would be to lose a child.

Apparently the obituary was in yesterday's paper so we missed it because we cancelled our papers while we were away.

I think Jennifer & Tom's address is (Graham's sister)
15612 - 141 Street
Edmonton, AB
T7V 1T3

I am ready to watch history unfold as President Obama takes office tomorrow.

Love to all,

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Patricks News!

Hello Hudkins family! Patrick would like to let everyone know the news....He's getting married! The lucky bride? Heather, that's me:) The date is set for July 25th of 2009 in Port Orchard Washington. Yep that's in Seattle-ish. The ceremony and reception will be held at Trophy Lake Golf Course. It's primo golfing around here if anyone feels the urge to travel with their clubs:)
I am super excited to meet and get to know all of you whom I haven't already had the pleasure of meeting. I hope to keep in touch with all of you I have met, and look forward to seeing you again in July.
Patrick and I hope that everyone is doing well and invite anyone to get in touch with us for more info and of course just to say hello.
Save the date notices will be sent as a reminder as soon as I am able to slow Patrick down and get him to smile for the camera, and invitations should arrive to you in April. Well wishes to all,
Patrick and Heather
P.S. Dear uncle Louis, Pat says you better be here;)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Whitemud Falls

Hi everyone,

just a few pics that might interest some of you. Dan Wood, his nephew Chris (Neils son) and I rented a small plane and pilot to check out the Mcmurray area from the air. Dan wanted to get some GPS readings to find a lake. This is Nexen (Long lake SAGD plant).
Saw this moose on the Clearwater on the way back from the Whitemud Falls.
The Whitemud falls drops in a series of "rapids" rated from Class 1 to 6. Dan said the drop is approx. 80 or 100 feet. the guide book says there are cliffs of 40 meters high. It is hard to tell from the plane but you can make out the limestone cliffs on each side of the river.

You can see "islands" of cliff son each side of the falls.

This is Suncors plant. It was about -25C, lots of steam and cold in the plane. He had duct tape on the windows to stop a draft of cold air.

I'll post a few pics of Fort Mac in a day or two.
Uncle Brent

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hi Everyone,
We are at Troy & Nancy's and I am trying to use their laptop. We'll see how this goes!

I want to let you all know that last evening Graham's mom passed away. Jenny, Charlene & all the girls and babies came last evening. Anne was a wonderful lady, quiet, humble and unassuming and she left us in her own way - quietly, unassuming and in her own way. We are all richer for having known her. We pray that the Lord's comforting hand will be on Graham & Jenny, Jennifer & Tom and Anne's mom. May your happy memories be a comfort at this difficult time.

Jenny left this morning to return home. Our thoughts & prayers are with you.

Love & blessings to all,
Gramma from Bremerton, Washington

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Babies, babies, babies

So bright eyed!

Tushy Time

Jacey to Kingston- I was here first
Kingston to Jacey- I'm bigger than you

Cute cousins, not looking at the camera

Christmas outfits
Sooo exciting all the news that is going on in our family! Can't wait until this year develops to meet all the little people. Also cannot wait for Seattle and visiting the Southern fam...hehe Anyways here are a few shots taken over Christmas of the little people, thought we would post before our trip. It was a fun Christmas, even though Jacey cannot begin to understand the gongshow of presents she received, still special for all the family. We sure enjoy her and all that she brings to our family. Things are going well, I was just called to be the Primary Chorister so I get to plan all the music now...a little intimidating but fun. Could be interesting!! Jon is looking for a job now and Jacey still eats, sleeps and does pottying! Nothing new there, except she has started to roll over and is slowly smiling here and there, you really gotta earn it though!!! So hopefully the New Year is good for all. We love you lots! The Bird Nest

Friday, January 2, 2009

First goal of 2009

Well this is Cassidy's first goal of the New Year.
Enjoy the video.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

its the hitman hudkins cal

how r things with all of u i hope everyone is doing good especially the wee ones hope they start talkin soon so i can talk some hockeyu with them maybe teach them how to spit lol anways i just wanted to say hi and let everyone know christmas was good and new years as well me and my lady friend we have been dateing now a year and almost four months =) hockey is great i have a pretty good record this year i also got the name hitman hudkins from some of the team mates cause i have knocked out two kids this year and have been the biggest hitter and most fearless kid out there but for a defensmen i got plenty goals and many assists lol but im just touchin base letting everyone know wuts up i hope you all had a good new year and wonderful day today
love you all






Love from the Americans
(ya we celebrate new years down here too)